
Different Types Of Intelligence

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According to Suen (2012), intelligence refers to the ability to acquire and at the same time apply skills and knowledge. The study of the chain of inferential connections as well as consequent derivations, implications as well as applications of the relationship based psychometric theories. From theoretical paradigms, various statistical methods as well as indices have been put forward as an appropriate for getting evidence on reliability, as well as validity of various types of measurements, as well as testing situations. Unlike most of behavioral and psychological theories that are formulated through experiences as well as insights and experiences and confirmed through empirical data the psychometric theories, as they exist are mainly applied statistical and mathematical models. Considering the process, that typical behavior theory is confirmed: hypotheses have to be formulated data are gathered by measurement of constructs, data are then analyzed and the hypotheses are supported. This process cannot confirm to psychometric theories since the process of measurement of constructs which is an important step in positivistic theory-testing method. Therefore, psychometric theories are confirmed by conducting logical deductions, as well as mathematical proofs.

There are seven different ways that pupils learn; however, schools have focused on two methods. When one adds the other five approaches, he will increase the chances of becoming successful. The teacher has a role in ensuring that a multiple intelligence program is successful since he can transform the program. In this program, a teacher develops skills that he cannot develop while standing in front of the class. A teacher should observe his students from seven different perspectives. When planning the centers a teacher will find that he will push his students from behind and not pulling them from the front (Campbell, 1991). When a teacher works with the students, it is better than when the teacher works for the student. In this case, students stand to gain since they will be involved in the entire process compared to when the teacher works for them. When the teacher works with the student, students explore what the teacher explores, the teacher discovers what they discover and in most cases, the teacher learns what the students learn. In such a case, the teacher gets satisfaction in the students’ enthusiasm for learning as well as independence, compared to their test scores as well as the ability to sit down quietly. Since the teacher plans for such activities, he becomes multimodal and creative in my own thinking as well as learning (Cherry, n.d.).

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Students gain from opportunities presented with various options at their disposal. When there are several options at their disposal, students have an opportunity for specialized and excel in at least one area that they find more comfortable compared to when the students are limited to one or two options available to them. Simultaneously, students’ emotional needs are met through working with others closely. Students develop various strengths and understand themselves better as individuals. In this program, more emphasis is put on learning compared to teaching. In this program various educational needs are put into consideration, for instance, visual-spatial, linguistic-verbal, logical-mathematical, bodily-kinesthetic, intrapersonal, interpersonal and musical (Edutopia, 1997).

The auditory has several elements, for example, musical, linguistic-verbal and interpersonal. Musical intelligence is directly related to making music, signing, enjoying music and playing music instrument. Basically, it entails sensitivity to sounds and emotions such as music conveys. The verbal-linguistic intelligence is associated with doing well in school, it entails the ability to make use of words effectively in writing, reading, speaking and listening.

Interpersonal intelligence entails social interactions as well as understanding your neighbors and their emotions, motives, moods as well as perspectives. This kind of intelligence is pertinent since it helps in managing relationships, negotiating conflict and comprehending situations.

The visual approach has various approaches; these are visual-spatial and intrapersonal.
Intrapersonal intelligence is the road to learning, achievement as well as personal satisfaction. It involves being connected to who you are as well as how you feel as well as understanding your abilities and limits. Intrapersonal intelligence involves making a decision as well as setting personal goals, as well as self-management. Visual-spatial intelligence gives one a chance to see and modify things in his mind (Sternberg, n.d.).

The last approach is kinesthetic, which entails, logical-mathematical, musical and bodily-kinesthetic. Musical intelligence is directly related to making music, signing, enjoying music and playing music instrument. Basically, it entails sensitivity to sounds and emotions such as music conveys. Bodily-kinesthetic entails thinking in movements as well as the ability to use movements for self-expression or precision to attain a goal. Lastly, logical-mathematical intelligence is about comprehending complex problems as well as conceptualizing relationships between processes, actions and symbols (Gardner, 2011).

It is hard to find a student who does not a specific interest among several options available at his disposal. Students learn the subject matter in various ways; therefore, increasing chances of understanding and at the same time retaining information. Most students’ needs are met through multiple intelligence programs. Their intellectual needs are fulfilled through being challenged and regularly exercising their creativity.

When a teacher understands various learning styles or intelligences and makes use of various instructional methods it can be a step to making learning an exciting experience for both the student and teacher.

  • Campbell, B. (1991, Winter). Multiple Intelligences in the Classroom. In Context #27. Page 12. Retrieved from http://www.context.org/iclib/ic27/campbell/
  • Cherry, K. (n.d.). Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences. Retrieved from http://psychology.about.com/od/educationalpsychology/ss/multiple-intell_9.htm
  • Edutopia. (1997). Big Thinkers: Howard Gardner on Multiple Intelligences. Retrieved from http://www.edutopia.org/multiple-intelligences-howard-gardner-video

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