
Engaging Students in Online Courses

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Technological advances have introduced challenges in the education sector due to the dramatic changes in teaching mechanisms
Educators must realize that online teaching violated traditional methods thus adoption of alternate learning strategies
Group projects are among the most affected undertakings thus the need for maintaining their traditional essence while using technological advancements

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Group work is beneficial in terms of increasing knowledge base, interpersonal skills, critical thinking, and collaboration skills
Traditional discussion techniques help develop interpersonal relations among the involved students
Dealing with the challenges of online integration involves selection of appropriate assignments by instructors, analysis of individual behavior while choosing members, and studying of online characteristics of the learners
Allowing students to choose their colleagues depending on their availability and scheduling similarities
Development of group norms that must be adhered to strictly so that every member participates in the activities
The teachers must get involved as mediators and providers of guidelines so as to maximize performance among the students

Technology is an inevitable aspect of the education system and its application is relevant for the improvement of learning outcomes
The conclusions are justifiable and accurate since they are applicable in the modern classroom environment that is characterized by an increase in the number of online subscribers

The knowledge can be used to select colleagues with similar schedules, choice of reliable communication means, and involvement of the instructor when need arises for guidance
In addition, the information can be used to determine the appropriate mechanism to handle the different types of assignments

Application of online education has posed challenges to institutions creating the essence for effective solutions to handle the issue of group assignments
Utilization of teaching techniques for selection and enforcement of group norms are essential for ensuring that students gain sufficient knowledge on the subjects of concern

Advancements in communication technologies have resulted in the need for incorporating them into the education system although they are posing challenges such as conduction of group work. However, these considerations are inevitable aspects due to their differentiated approach that is beneficial to students. Therefore, technologies must be involved in teaching practices because they are essential learning tools and platforms.

According to the article, the solutions to the issues if discussion groups in the online platform include the development of assessment techniques, group selection, scheduling techniques, and the establishment of group norms. In addition, success in groups is achieved through the provision of meaningful assignments that ensure all members participate from their respective locations.

The article is an interesting and educative literary piece since it provides strategies for enhancing group work in spite of member separation. Traditionally, groups work from the same location but technology has made it inevitable for online discussions thus the essence of the techniques.

The group techniques are applicable in the modern day environment especially when selecting group members, assessment techniques, and handling scheduling among individuals with different tasks at their diverse locations.

In summary, it can be concluded that implementation of online education is challenging and at the same time beneficial to students. Therefore, the solutions for group work are viable, and they should be applied to enhance learning without compromising the intended quality of education.


The nature of online education has created challenges in the education sector especially when handling group work and other activities that require personal contact. This has made many people lose trust in online education in spite of its learning benefits and functional efficiency. However, there are solutions to this case since technology has become an integral part of society, and education cannot be left behind (Bacon, 2005; Boston, 2002; Cauley & McMillan, 2010).

According to the article, the solutions to the group work problem in online education include a good selection of group members, creation of viable assignments that fit online specifications, development of effective assessment criterion, establishment of group norms that must be adhered strictly, and punitive mechanisms in case some members do not participate in the group tasks (Jones, 2006; Vonderwell & Boboc, 2013; Rinehart, 1999). Moreover, teachers should provide mediation and guidance in case misunderstandings occur among group members so that students can adjust their approach and maximize their performance.

The article has provided essential lessons in terms of creating successful discussions in the online platform. Reading the article has highlighted the need for the proper selection of partners, scheduling, and nature of assignments. As explained in the article, it is justifiable to state that the conclusions made are accurate since they are applicable in the modern classroom environment that is characterized by an increase in the number of online subscribers (Hansen, 2006; Hartman, Bjerregaard, & Lord, 2009; Vonderwell, 2004; Scherling, 2011).

The lessons learnt in the topic are applicable in the various roles that must be played as an online student. Application is based on ensuring that colleagues have similar schedules, implementation of reliable communication means, and involvement of the instructor when need arises for guidance. Knowledge of the different types of group assignments has also been gained so that the necessary techniques can be applied while completing the assigned tasks. In fact, the ultimate goal of the online courses is the mastery of the assigned concepts through proper understanding of the topics (Brooks & Ammons, 2003; Jenkins, 2010; Morgan, Cameron, & Williams, 2009; Payne & Monk-Turner, 2005).

In summary, the concept of online education has posed challenges to institutions creating the need for effective solutions before their adoption. Traditionally, group work has involved interpersonal interactions; however, online applications have eliminated this element resulting in disadvantages among the learners. Therefore, sustenance of the benefits associated with traditional discussion groups requires procedures and regulations that ensure every group member is involved irrespective of the characteristic physical distances (Payne & Monk-Turner, 2006).

  • Bacon, D. R. (2005). The effect of group projects on content-related learning. Journal of Management Education, 248-267.
  • Boston, C. (2002). The concept of formative assessment. Practical Assessment. Research and Evaluation, 9.
  • Brooks, C. M., & Ammons, J. (2003). Free riding in group projects and the effects of timing, frequency, and specificity of criteria in peer assessments. Journal of Education for Business, 268-273.
  • Hartman, J., Bjerregaard, B., & Lord, V. (2009). Identifying factors that influence the successful transition of criminal justice transfer students. Journal of Criminal Justice Education, 173-193.
  • Morgan, K., Cameron, B. A., & Williams, K. C. (2009). Student perceptions of social task development in online group project work. Quarterly Review of Distance Education, 285-294.

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