
Essay On Entertainment

766 words | 3 page(s)

In this modern era, there are many ways a person can be entertained including simple ways like reading a book to more complicated ways like video games. People can also watch various forms of visual media like television shows or movies. Technology has given us the ability to do all these things on mobile devices as well, like Kindle readers, playing games or streaming video on your phone, or streaming video on your laptop. You can also still actually pick up a physical book or go to the movie theater and be entertained those ways. From all these choices, you can pick and choose. Let’s say you’re trying to decide between reading a book, like Harry Potter & the Sorcerer’s Stone, and watching the movie adaptation of the book. Which do you choose? Which one is better? Books are better, when you compare them to movies.

The first reason that books are better than movies is that they stimulate your mind and imagination. As you read the book, you begin to image what the characters and setting look like, what the characters might sound like, and what different places might be like. You create a picture in your mind, putting your creativity to work. If there’s a mystery or a problem in the story – like trying to figure out about the Mirror of Erised, or what’s going on between Quirrel and Snape – your brain goes to work paying attention to details that might help you solve the mystery. The movie, on the other hand, does a lot of that creative work for you. You see the characters and how they look and sound; you see what and hear what Hermione, Ron, and Harry are like. You see the setting and what different places are like, like Platform 9 ¾ or Diagon Alley. Because it’s already presented to you visually and audibly, you don’t have to as much. You may still be challenged to solve the mystery, but that’s about it.

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Another reason that books are better than movies is that you can physically interact with books, both physically and electronically. You can underline or highlight favorite parts or quotations in books and revisit those parts again and again; you can even do that with ebooks, as most e-readers have those abilities, too. Rewinding a DVD over and over again doesn’t really have the same effect. Also, you can make notes and write in the margins of books. Whenever Dumbledore says something really wise and meaningful to Harry, I underline it. If I think I’ve found a clue to the mystery, I might make a note of it in the margin, to see if I was right later when the mystery is solved in the story. You can’t do that with a movie, unless you keep a journal and make notes about the movie in a journal which, again, doesn’t have the same effect as it does in a book.

Another thing about books that’s better than movies is that print books are simple and truly portable. Sure, you can watch a movie on your phone, but in a lot of cases, you have to have access to wifi, and your phone’s battery will die. You can watch DVDs on most laptops, so the Internet connection isn’t such a big deal, but again: the battery will die. Books don’t have to be charged and don’t have to have wifi. As long as you have enough light to see, you can read a book. Also, phones and laptops and other mobile devices can crash, lose data, and otherwise malfunction. Books don’t crash, lose data, or otherwise malfunction. Your print book isn’t going to get a virus or have corrupted files. It’s also much easier to skip parts or save your place in a book than it is on video.

Ultimately, these reasons for books being better than movies have to do with them being tangible. You watch a movie, and that’s it; that’s the experience. But when you read a book, especially when you’re reading a print book, there’s so much more interaction. Watching a movie is more passive and static, while reading a book is more active and dynamic. Reading a book stimulates your mind, while movies do a lot of the mental work for you. You can physically interact with books. They are truly portable and simple; though movies can be, too, it can get complicated. To me, these reasons make books better than movies.

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