
Advertising and Television

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“The Cult you’re In” Key point 1
According to Lash, the cult is characterized and defined by what the members wear, drive and listen to. He believes that the cult is influenced by what others have already scouted, deemed worthy and embraced. The cult’s beliefs are founded on the material things. The material things that are deemed as fashion and/or cool and acceptable by society. People get themselves into this cult without their own knowledge. They are recruited through the media that creates perceptions of what is acceptable. I believe that Lasn’s perception of contemporary consumer culture as a cult is subjective. This is because every consumer is entitled to free will when choosing what goods and/or services to consume. It is therefore up to the consumer to realize that advertisements and marketing only aim to create perceptions of a particular commodity.

“Salespeak” Key point 2
Some of the examples where salespeak is found in school is found in the form of:
Wraparound billboards on school buses
Screens on the back of the seats of the school buses
Channel one that is shown in school even in classes
Allotted Time and Testing sponsored by companies
Some of the other forms of salespeak include:
Billboard slots on school parking lots sold by the school to receive funding from advertising companies
These examples and personal experiences confirm Fox’s claims that salespeak exerts undue influence in education by targeting children owing to the fact that they can be easily influenced. This affects the quality of education.

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“You’re soaking in it” Key point 3
Kilbourne suggestions of how to the fight the “toxic cultural environment” are very effective. This is despite the fact that these remedies are not quick fixes owing to the fact that culture cannot be altered at an instant. The suggestions by Kilbourne such as the application of regulation techniques on the advertising industry can work as they have been seen to work before. Fighting to abolish or restrict advertising aimed at aimed at children is the most effective technique. This is owing to the fact that it will regulate and or eliminate any form of advertising that seeks to take advantage of the vulnerability of children. Other strategies would be less effective as they would not address the root of the problem, i.e. the corporate culture that has been accepted as the norm. They would only limit areas such as schools, but still have a place elsewhere.

“Television Addiction” Key Point 1
Kubey and Csikszentmihalyi attribute TV’s addictive capabilities to our biological “orienting response”. This is the visual or auditory reaction to any sudden or novel stimulus. The orienting response entails the blood vessels to the brain dilating, the blood vessels to main muscle groups constricting and the heart slowing down. In the process. Owing to the general level of mental arousal, alpha waves are, for some moments, blocked before they resume their baseline level. This causes the rest of the body to quiet down as the brains concentrates on collecting more information. The question “In which direction does the correlation go?” is meant to query how the effects of TV addiction influence the extent of participation in other communal activities or vice versa. They address this problem by suggesting gradual withdrawal or limitation of the amount of time spent watching TV.

“Watching TV makes you Smarter” Key Point 2
One convincing piece of evidence is how the episodes from the hit TV action-drama 24 require the viewer to pay attention and integrate a lot of information from previous episodes. In conclusion, TV shows have become more cognitively demanding over time.

“The Evolution of the Seven Deadly Sins” Key Point 3
I believe that Frank is serious about the statement. She strongly believes that we indeed work with our vices embracing them as depicted in current popular culture. Frank uses the Simpsons TV show to depict the manner in which vices have become accepted in society. The TV show is meant to be a family show, yet it depicts a decaying moral standard.

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