
Behavior I Wish People Would Change

837 words | 3 page(s)

There are many character traits and attributes that people have which define their personality. Each individual has distinctive factors which reflect on their social upbringing. The behavior of a person is ideal in a social setting in that it offers an identification of their cultural background and ethnicity. As such, each person should be encouraged to have a personal understanding of their behavior and its impact in society as a whole. As a group, people adopt special personalities because they share the same traditions and values. It’s important to identify the negative and positive behaviors in order to reduce the negative effects that they may bring to the society.

A behavior that I wish people would change is racism. As stated earlier, when a group of people is placed in a region, they create a unified culture which practices the same norms. These norms are in most cases adopted as law making them part and parcel of the community. In turn, communities are responsible for the behavior of their inhabitants. Racism is the unfair treatment and discrimination of people because of their race and skin color. The world has a variety of cultures and nationalities which are representative of the different countries across the globe. As such, each community is identified according to their language, mannerism, race, and culture. Ideally, this is supposed to serve as an advantage to any person. Despite this, a large number of people are said to be victims of other communities because of their heritage. This behavior is responsible for the division of different communities in regions like the Middle East, the United States, Africa, and Europe.

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The reason why I wish people would change their negative perceptions and stereotypes about other cultures is because it creates conflict and hatred in society. Firstly, communities are naturally supposed to support each other because they share the same goals and objectives which in most cases are to become sustainable in all aspects of life. However, a large number of societies are not developing or showing any form of improvement because of the hardships they face on a daily basis. For examples, countries in Africa are showing a significant amount of improvement owing to the fast rate of development in most countries. In spite of this, there are a number of communities that do not share the same levels of success because of the rate of discrimination they have experienced over the years.

One of the reasons for this practice is the high amount of resentment these communities have for each other due to discrimination from their neighbors and people in western countries. As a result, such communities end up retaliating by forming alliances with terrorist groups or militia. An example can be seen in the terrorist groups in Nigeria and Somalia. Both countries have experienced discrimination from different countries making some of their nationals take part in terrorist activities.

Another reason why I wish people could change their behavior when dealing with social issues is that lack of cultural awareness and recognition results in ignorance. For example, the United States is considered the melting pot of the world owing to the number of immigrants the country receives on an annual basis. Despite this, the country has a long history of racism which is traced back to slave trade. The main reason for slave trade was to acquire workers who had the manpower to work in the field slaves and as domestic slaves in the homesteads of farmers in the Southern part of America.

Over the years, African Americans have managed to gain their freedom as equal members of society. However, a large part of the community has been affected by racism in more ways than one. Firstly, the community is filled with a lot of hatred because of lack of employment, education opportunities, and unequal distribution of resources. Secondly, most members of the community have resulted to joining gangs which are responsible for robberies, rape, and theft in the community. This is one of the reasons that the community is taking long to develop compared to their counterparts. This dynamic is attributed to the high rates of racism, oppression, and discrimination that the community faces on a daily basis.

For all countries to enhance in their political, social-cultural, economic, and environmental aspects, they need to have a united front. A look at the behavior of people in various social groups shows that the world has a long way to go before world peace is achieved. One of the ways of changing this is by creating awareness of the negative effects of racial discrimination and cultural stereotypes. This will serve as the difference between the growth of healthy societies and the emergence of rough countries.

To summarize, the behavior of people defines the type of community they live in. some people are influenced through experience and some are raised to behave a certain way. To end this behavior, the societies need to recognize the significance of different cultures and their essentiality in social growth.

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