
Career Goal Analysis

1279 words | 5 page(s)

Career goal analysis is an essential aspect of every person’s career. One can identify various ways to move forward by trying to go through the analysis of their career goals. It is notable that this is one way of staying focus and identifying what is expected of one’s career. Through career goal analysis, one can understand some essential attributes such as short-term goals as well as long-term goals. Focusing on what I can control as well as having a plan for the rest is part of my action plan towards achieving my short-term career goals. I find it that focusing on my studies is the immediate thing to uphold considering that I am still studying. This will be of assistance since it will improve my determination towards graduating with better grades in Economic and Finance degree. I will focus on my short-term career goal which is graduating from Monash and finding a banking job as well as a long-term goal which is becoming a successful investor.

Career goal analysis is an essential aspect of every person’s career. One can identify various ways to move forward by trying to go through the analysis of their career goals. It is notable that this is one way of staying focus and identifying what is expected of one’s career. Through career goal analysis, one can understand some essential attributes such as short-term goals as well as long-term goals. Moreover, this is the best way of coming up with action plans relevant for attaining these goals. Additionally, through the guidance of career development theories along with various career learning activities as well as research on Career Issues Projects, assists in career goal development. Throughout this paper, I will focus on my revised short-term career goal which is graduating from Monash and finding a banking job as well as a revised long-term goal which is becoming a successful investor.

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My revised career goal, in this case, is that after three years of hard work and study, I get involved in more finance internship as well as graduate from Monash with a degree on Economics and Finance that can be of help in secure a banking job. It is my aim that at the end of my studies I become a successful person who will have much impact in my life as well as assisting with job acquisition.

To achieve my short-term career goal of finishing my studies, graduating, and landing a banking job, there are various postgraduate paths that I have to take, and I find them worth revising to match my current career goal setting. This path of revising my career goals is not an easy one considering that I would like to achieve my revised goals within the next three years. Therefore, it means that I have to put a lot of emphasis on everything I do to make sure that I attain my goals. Many factors and forces have an impact on my revised career decision making. Similarly, career development theories have much effect on my short-term revised goal (Tynkkynen, Nurmi, & Salmela-Aro, 2010).

Focusing on what I can control as well as having a plan for the rest is part of my action plan towards achieving my revised short-term career goals. I find it that focusing on my studies is the immediate thing to uphold considering that I am still studying. This will be of assistance since it will improve my determination towards graduating with better grades in Economic and Finance degree. Furthermore, I plan to go beyond my expectations by looking at a bigger picture, and that is why my goal, in this case, is doing more finance internships to build on my career experience before landing a job on banking or any other related financial work. By taking action of scheduling periodic check-ins on my revised short-term goal, will help with flexibility of changing my focus to different goals that I find suitable above the previous ones that I have set.

Through Career Typology Theory by John Holland, I get to understand that my revised short-term career goal is attainable (Niles, Amundson, & Neault, 2011). Besides, this theory helps in showing that career choice is not random because it is a person’s personality expression. This is an indication that I have the traits that suit my career goals which I have to attain.. Besides, it outlines that every person have personality traits that are essential in career development such as social, investigative, and others like realistic, conventional along with enterprising.

After having accomplished by revised short-term career goal in the future, I am also looking forward to the success of my revised long-term career goal after five years and above. In this case, what I look forward to as my long-term career goal is becoming a successful investor as a banker or as a hedge fund manager.

Achieving this revised long-term career goal will be a challenge and to make things easy on my side, I will have to consider an appropriate action plan. In this case, I will have to begin researching different possible course that is currently on offer and take note of every requirement that will impact my path towards achieving this goal. Based on what I have learned about career goal setting, some of the action plans of this goal setting that I would implement is asking for support primarily from my mentors who are already successful in this line of duty. I will also consider making periodic comparisons of my annual goals with my to-do list. Also, I will continuously track my accomplishments as a finance expert since they will have much impact on my future endeavors. Moreover, Ginsberg’s theory of career development is essential in this case, and its application will be of the essence in attaining my long-term career goals (Patton & McMahon, 2014).

The topic of career goal and action plan, career theories on personality along with career theories on life have much impact on how I think of my revised career goals. They help with realizing that even though I have revised my goals, they are attainable and that they can be developed over time to suit my career path. Based on what I have learned this semester, my new career goals are not much complicated, and they suit my future profession of landing a finance job as well as becoming a successful investor in the long term. Attaining these new career goals will require the principles of SMART goal setting (Savickas, 2013).

SMART is identified as guidance for personal goal setting. SMART ensures that goals are reachable and clear. Besides, it stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Available, Relevant, and Time-bound. Using SMART in my revised career goals will involve being specific and clear so that I can be genuinely motivated to achieve my new goals. I will also have to measurable goals to assist in tracking my progress. My revised goals will have to be realistic as well as attainable for a success. There will also the need for relevance by ensuring that my revised goals matter. Moreover, my revised goals will require target date as a deadline which in this case is three years for my revised short-term goal and five years for my revised long-term goal.

To sum up, as a result of what I have learned this semester along with my career goals analysis, I find my revised career goals and action plans suitable for my career development. Both my revised short term and long term career goals are attainable. I am confident that after having attained a degree in Economics and Finance, I will be able to land a finance job after which I will become a financial investor.

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