
Causes and Effects of Happiness

600 words | 3 page(s)

In recent years, both psychologists and doctors have begun to appreciate the real advantages and benefits to positive feelings and happiness. Happiness is a state of contentment, satisfaction, or joy that one feels. There are several causes that lead to happiness, thus generating many beneficial effects in people.

Enjoyment and pleasure are one of the central causes behind happiness. Happiness can mean performing activities that one enjoys, such as reading, running, having a coffee, or spending time with a friend, to name a few. Enjoyment can arise from several different activities, which are varied amongst individuals. Whatever the activity is that one enjoys, it is crucial that one always makes time for that activity, and perhaps incorporate it into daily life, which will give an individual something to always look forward to. Integrating certain activities can make one feel happy, thus making them feel good about what they are doing and how they are living.

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Engagement and productivity also cause happiness. When an individual is completely absorbed in an activity, they can use their talents or strengths more effectively and productively, which generates positive energy and feelings. This can result in not only happiness, but also greater purpose and a more positive attitude. Every person has their own unique talents and strengths, but they must be utilized to cause happiness, which then leads to feelings of purpose. For example, when one has been productive, such as finishing an arduous task or homework, they will feel both engaged and purposeful, thus leading to feelings of accomplishment and happiness.

Generating meaning and/or lasting significance through particular activities can also engender happiness. To create happiness in this way, one must incorporate their strengths or talents with activities that have meaning, hence leading to lasting significance. When both meaning and significance are merged, this can lead to success, and thus happiness with one’s accomplishments.

Optimism is another cause of happiness. Optimism refers to a bright or positive outlook on life. In addition, it is also what makes people resilient even in times or events that may be negative or detrimental, and also allows for one to see the positives, rather than just the negatives. For example, perhaps a student has earned a poor grade on a test in class. They may first try to pin the blame on the teacher, or attribute their grade to some other factor. Perhaps instead, they may be optimistic and choose to talk to the teacher, and ask what they can do better, choosing instead to focus on what can be done. When one is optimistic and is able to focus on the positives of a situation, this can also cause happiness, even if the current situation has been negative or detrimental.

As shown previously, the effects of happiness can be extensive. Positive emotions that are affiliated with happiness, such as love, wonder, excitement, and joy, are what lead to increased attention. When a person is excited or curious, their mind will open up, thus generating an improved flow of creativity, ideas, and positivity. Intellectual possibility and curiosity can also stem from there, depicting just how important happiness and positive energy is in everyday life.

In summary, there are several causes and effects of happiness, which provide a host of benefits to individuals. Happiness can be caused by pleasure and enjoyment, being productive and engaging, or finding meaningfulness in certain activities. These causes lead to a number of effects, such as feelings of accomplishment, productivity, purposefulness, and intellectual possibility. Happiness is, without a doubt, one of life’s most important components, as its effects are beyond measure.

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