
Change Evaluation

685 words | 3 page(s)

Once a change has been implemented within an organization, it is necessary for the organization to be able to determine whether the change has been successful. The change is determined to be successful if the change has worked to impact the business in a positive manner, and it is considered to be a failure if it has impacted the business in a negative manner; in some cases, it may be considered a failure if the change has had no discernible impact on the organization. To determine the effectiveness of a change, the organization must find a method of appropriately evaluating the change to determine whether or not it was a success or failure; in this case, the question is whether or not the implementation of time cards within the organization will work to create an organization that is more efficient.

There are many different methods of evaluating change and determining whether or not an improvement has occurred within the organization as a result of the changes made; unfortunately, most of these strategies are not clearly described or well outlined (Eccles, et al., 2003). It is typically believed that the reason for these vague descriptions I due to the fact that there are a wide variety of changes that could be implemented, and as such the organization would need only a loose idea of the best method of analyzing the changes that have occurred, as this would allow the organization to manipulate the evaluation model so that it may be applied to any type of change that has occurred, as opposed to a model for one specific type of change.

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The six steps that should be included in any effective evaluation of a change include identifying the stakeholders within the change, describing the project clearly and concisely, designing an evaluation for the project, gathering evidence, analyzing the results, and reporting the findings (JISC, 2007).

To create an appropriate evaluation to determine the effectiveness of the implementation of time cards, each of the six steps will be reviewed in order to ensure that the change evaluation will be at its most effective. First, the stakeholders must be identified; these would include the company, the workers, the patients, and the visitors to the patients. Next, the project must be defined: the project itself is to implement time cards in order to ensure that all employees are being paid for the work that they complete, instead of receiving a set salary, thereby increasing the overall efficiency of the workers. The evaluation that has been created will be a productivity analysis, which will be compared against the numbers that were taken when the issue was identified. Each department will be monitored to ensure that employees are working at all times while on the clock and a check of the tasks that have been completed during that time will be reviewed. This check will be compared against the amount of tasks being completed prior to this switch in order to determine increases or decreases in efficiency. Once the data has been gathered, it will be analyzed in order to determine whether or not more or less work was being accomplished prior to the change, and whether or not the employees themselves were being more efficient, i.e. no longer goofing off as much because they are getting paid by the hour instead of guaranteed a set amount. The results will be reported to the administration in order to determine whether or not the change has had the desired effect and to determine what the administration would like to do about the situation, and if anything needs to be done.

It is imperative that after a change is implemented, that the organization takes steps to determine the effectiveness of the change, as the company will always wish to only keep changes in place that work to benefit the organization, not hurt or hinder it in any way. While the primary goal of any health organization is to assist those in need, the administration is always responsible for keeping an eye on the bottom line and ensuring that the organization is at its most efficient.

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