
Communication Devices: Pros And Cons

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There have been many different ways that people have kept in touch over the years. These devices have came a long way from the days of waiting for weeks to receive information through a traditional letter. With the invention of the telephone, people became able to communicate immediately with one another in order to relay information faster than ever. The telephone has since evolved into the cellular phones which are more common now than traditional land line options. Both forms of phones have the same basic concept but differ greatly in the functions that are available. The comparisons and contrasts of the types of telephones available will help an individual choose which type of service is the best option for a given situation. The major areas where the two types of telephones show both similarities and differences are purpose, portability, and emergency services.

The purpose of both the land line phone and the cell phone is for communication. The rapid form of communication that is offered through the use of a telephone has become a necessity in modern society. Both styles operate well for this purpose. It is relatively simple to complete a call on either type of device. However, a cell phone offers the ability to text, talk, and communicate through social media websites. A land line phone only offers communication through talking. The cost of the service and the equipment of the land line is generally much cheaper so if talking is the key reason for having a telephone this would be the better choice. The reception for conversations is also generally much clearer on the land line option than it is on the cellular devices. Therefore, although the cell phone offers more ways to communicate, the land line offers a more consistent reception for telephone conversations.

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Portability is another area where land line telephones and cellular telephones begin with similarities and then differ greatly. For example, as land line phones are based at a residence or business and must be plugged directly into a phone outlet, the portability is minimum but there are cordless telephone options that extend the range on land line phones dramatically. However, the cellular device offers communication that is almost completely portable. Being able to carry the device wherever an individual goes is a key feature of the cell phone that makes it the best choice for many people. However, the cell phone must be in range of a cell tower signal. This means that there are many areas in which a cell phone will not work. Additionally, the cell phone is dependent on a battery supply which means the phone will only work for a short period without also being plugged into an outlet.

Finally, emergency service features are available on both the land line phone and the cellular phone but each operate best in different scenarios. Land lines are the best option during power outages as the phone system is generally still available. Calling 911 for emergency services gives the operator the option to search the address by the land line phone number and send the emergency personnel directly to the house even if the caller is unable to communicate for any reason. The cell phone offers the portability of being able to call from anywhere that an emergency takes place. For example, if there is a car accident, the cell phone gives the user immediate access to the emergency services. However, this is dependent on cellular signal, battery availability, and the ability of the user to speak to the operator as the cell phone is not linked to a direct address.

Based on the comparisons, both the land line option and the cellular phone option offer an ease of communication in terms of traditional conversations. Both offer the ability to speak directly to another individual with comparatively clear reception. Both types of phones offer a different levels of portability and both have features that would assist the user in case of an emergency situation. The differences between the two include the additional ways to communicate on the cellular phone, greater portability of the cellular phone, and the access to the emergency services. The comparison and contrasts of the two would suggest that an individual who stays close to home would benefit from a land line whereas an individual who travels a lot would be better off with a cell phone. However, as most individuals’ lives require a combination of home life and travel, and the emergency services vary greatly, it would be advisable for individuals to have both a land line and a cellular telephone.

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