
Community Disaster Management

445 words | 2 page(s)

1a) The World Health Organization recommends a minimum per capita water supply of 15 liters per person per day in an emergency. Therefore, the minimum amount of water supplied would be 4000 x 15 giving 60,000 liters per day and a maximum of about 5000 x 15 giving 75,000 liters per day. The people sheltered at the municipal covered court will require 2000 x 15 giving 30,000 liters per day.

b) The team will require the services of water transporting vehicles to transport water from the three artesian wells to the location where the evacuees are sheltered. The water will then be transferred into 15 liter containers and issued to each family based on the number of family members. The families will be taught to designate one container out of those issued to them for water for drinking by labelling it. Water in this container will then be treated using water chlorination tablets or solutions that will be issued on a daily basis and allowed to stand for 30 minutes before use for the chlorination to be effective.

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c) The municipal covered court does not have adequate sanitation facilities with 6 toilets available for use by 2000 people. This gives about 333 people per toilet which is below the recommended maximum toilet to person ratio. The school buildings also do not have adequate sanitation facilities with 24 toilets expected to serve between 4000 and 5000 people giving a ratio of between 166 persons per toilet and 208 persons per toilet respectively. I propose to increase toilet facilities by availing portable toilets and building outhouses in order to bring the ratio down to about 1 toilet for every 50 individuals.

d) Waste disposal stations will need to be established that ensure sorting of waste using color coded bags to enable easy disposal. Once placed in these stations, recyclable waste will be recycled, food waste will be composted while non-bio-degradable waste will be incinerated.

4) Psychosocial support services required will involve those that empower the evacuees in preparedness, response to the emergency and recovery from the disaster. These services will be provided through a psychosocial support station where the two trained personnel will be located.

5) Low temperatures due to the strong winds requiring more blankets
Shortage of essential medication due to no access to the hospital in Masagana city
Injuries suffered by those who did not move and remained in their homes.

6) A) the municipality will need to establish a disaster management team.
The municipality will need to contract and retain adequate numbers of psychosocial support service providers.

The municipality will need to designate adequate disaster shelters and stock them with basic needs such as food, water and medicine.

b) Increased provision of toilet facilities
Provision of safe, treated drinking water
Establishment of child feeding programs focusing on under 5s.

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