
Competitive Advantages At Work

596 words | 2 page(s)

I currently work in the Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency as an assistant manager in the operations section. This organization is the central bank of Saudi Arabia. As an assistant manager, I have seen many of my strengths and weaknesses. In the first place, my strengths includes the ability to manage people effectively because I can determine their skills, strengths and weaknesses. Managers often cannot discern what their people are good at or fit to perform. Thus, they mismanage people. They fail to see the potential in their people and do not use their team well. However, I can see the potential and passions of my people and do my best to let them exercise those abilities. In the second place, I often have expectations of people that are too high. Sometimes this applies to myself, but often I simply task people with too much. That is usually a weakness, as it cripples most in the bank industry.

Opportunities include a large banking organization in which to grow and develop my skills. There is little in terms of a ceiling at my current organization. Thus, I hope to expand my skills and reach new levels of employment. My current managers have noticed my abilities and promise, and indicate towards favorable opportunities in the future. Threats, however, are not absent. For no job is eternally secure. And if I have a bad week or year, that might damage my hopeful future with the bank. Likewise, much depends on the nation’s security and need for the monetary agency. With much turmoil in different areas, there is a threat to the organization as a whole, especially its size and ability to promote me in the future.

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My Competitive Advantage
What are my three “unless-es.” In other words, what can or will I do to neutralize the dangers that threaten my potentially great career? In the first place, I will continue to work as I already work. I have received no overwhelmingly negative feedback on my performance at the Monetary Agency. Thus, my employers are satisfied with my current level of work. Furthermore, I have already enjoyed promotions as a higher rate than normal and hold good relationships with my fellow employees. Sometimes a successful career entails that we do not change some things. In this case, my work style and ethic will continue. Second, I will complete my college degree and glean its benefits. College is used to advance people in the work place, among other things. And as a college graduate, I will use my expertise gained through education in order to advance my career. This might look like going on for another degree. Or, it might look like mentioning the degree and new skills to my boss in order to get more responsibility or a better position in the company.

Third, I will not rest satisfied with my current job location. While I do not mean to be discontent or unhappy with my job, I do not want to grow lethargic or unmotivated. In other words, it gives me a competitive advantage to look for opportunities to advance rather than simply accept my current employment state. These three competitive advantages will happen. Furthermore, they will neutralize the threats of a poor career and combat them with traits that lead to a great career. The promise of the future, my current abilities, and the plan outlined here will secure me success in the Monetary Agency. It will also expand my horizons to other areas of work. I do not know where those might be, but they will be.

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