
Workplace Talent

336 words | 2 page(s)

The two most important ways in developing a workplace culture would be enjoyment and being employee focused. This is because enjoyment will keep employees motivated, and being employee focused will ensure that employees are well-compensated for their work. As a result, this will create the most loyalty among employees, and lead to low turnover rates.

Employee satisfaction will be improved the most, although this will result in better behavior changes as well. Employees who genuinely enjoy their work will not require additional forms of motivation, and developing a culture that allows for a bit of fun is the most sustainable long term, as opposed to constantly providing financial rewards. However, if employees are also well compensated from a culture that supports being employee focused, top recruits will be less likely to seek work elsewhere. Both are necessary; if work is fun, but does not pay enough, employees might seek other jobs that are less fun, but pay more. If work is no fun, but employees are compensated well, they may simply become burnt out from the job. With both together, most reasons for employees leaving their job are eliminated, which enhances employee loyalty over the long term.

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Organizational performance was considered in these choices, as employees who are motivated are more likely to produce better work. With employee loyalty, there is also less of a need to hire new employees, which can become expensive due to the need to constantly train new recruits. New employees will also lack the experience of long-term employees, and therefore the quality of work will be better with employees who have been with a business for a while. The only possible thing to watch for would be to ensure that a fun workplace still produces work, and does not simply become a place for fun. However, as long as this is maintained, enjoyment and having an employee focused approach is preferred.

  • Gugel, M. (2016). 10 ways to attract top talent by improving your workplace culture. Accessible at http://goco.io.blog/10-ways-to-attract-top-talent-by-improving-your-workplace-culture

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