
Configuration Of Windows Server

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Comparison of the four editions of Windows Server 2012/R2
Windows Server refers to a group of operating systems built by Microsoft with the purpose of supporting enterprise-level functions such as management, data storage, applications as well as communications. Windows Server 2012 has four editions; Standard, Datacenter, Essentials and Foundation.

Comparison of private cloud and public cloud.
Cloud storage is divided into two main categories: private cloud storage and public cloud storage. Private cloud storage commonly referred to as private cloud hosting is an internal/ enterprise storage that resided within an organization’s intranet. It is hosted within the data center of the organization. It is protected by a firewall setup by the company’s organization. Companies that have heavy infrastructure in their data centers are known to use private cloud storage. (Goyal, 2014). In private cloud, the company is responsible for managing, maintenance as well as updating the data centers. On the other hand, public data cloud is when the hosting is done outside the company’s intranet or the data center. Public cloud is different from private hosting in that the organization is not responsible management and maintenance of data center. VDI refers to Virtual Desktop Infrastructure. It is a virtualization technology that is used to host desktop operating systems in a data center inform of a centralized server. When used it has its own security mechanism and can be located within the premises of an organization making it to qualify as a private cloud (Goyal, 2014).

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Description of Resilient File System and the reason why I would use it.
Resilient File System is a new filing system which is integrated into Windows Server 2012/R2. The core aim of Resilient File System is to increase the data availability and to scale the efficiency of large data centers across diverse workloads. It also aims to increase data integrity by making it more resilient to data corruption. Resilient File System has three main benefits; resiliency, performance, and Scalability.

Resilient File System has increased data integrity. It introduces security features that help detect corruption and fix all the existing corruption in the data while online. It has several functions which help increase resilience such as salvaging data. Data salvaging works when there is a volume of corrupt data that does not have a backup copy that is safe. The fundamental aspect of Resilient File System is its capability to ensure data security by securing corrupted data away from the healthy data. (Turley, Bruckner, Silva, Withee, & Paisley, 2012). It goes further to extract the less corrupted data from the corrupted volume of data.

Resilient File System has performance sensitive features as well as virtualized workloads. Some of these features are Sparse VDL, block cloning, and Real-time tier optimization.

Resilient File System aids in the efficient handling of the large sets of data which can span to millions of TBs. It achieves this by ensuring that the data does not affect the performance.

Two roles are available for Windows Server 2012/R2.
Windows Server 2012/R2 has several roles and features. There are however some of the features which are essential as compared to others depending on the environment in which Windows Server 2012/R2 is being used. Four a small manufacturing company, the two most important roles of Windows Server 2012/R2 are Web Server (IIS) and Remote Access. Web Server (IIS) is a role in Windows Server 2012 that enables uses to share information via the intranet or the intranet provided by the organization (Turley, Bruckner, Silva, Withee, & Paisley, 2012). Web Servers are installed in a different department of the organization from where the specific software that can be used for communication between the departments are installed. It also can be used by the organization to advertise its products over the internet. The remote server ensures the control of activities and operations remotely. It only requires network connection. (Tulloch & Microsoft Windows Server Team, 2013). It will be used in those activities that do not require to be performed when one is physically present within the organization.

Discussion on Server Core and why it is recommended in installations.
Server core refers to the minimal option for installation that is made available when deploying all the four editions of Windows Server 2012/R2. It is recommended for installation since it provides the essential installation of Windows Server 2012/R2 that only allows installation of certain server roles. It provides several benefits when installed. It increases stability because core installation is possesses less roles and features thus less processes and services as compared to full installation. (Turley, Bruckner, Silva, Withee, & Paisley, 2012). Greater stability ensures that there are fewer errors as well as few settings that can be wrongly configured. Another importance is the reduced maintenance practices. It is because server core has fewer binaries as compared with a full installation. An example is that core installation requires fewer security updates as compared to full installation.

  • Goyal, S. (2014). Public vs Private vs Hybrid vs Community – Cloud Computing: A Critical Review. International Journal of Computer Network and Information Security, 6(3), 20-29. Retrieved from http://www.mecs-press.org
  • Tulloch, M., & Microsoft Windows Server Team. (2013). Introducing Windows Server 2012 R2 technical overview (1st ed.). Redmond, U.S.: Microsoft Press.
  • Turley, P., Bruckner, R. M., Silva, T., Withee, K., & Paisley, G. (2012). Professional Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Reporting Services (4th ed.). Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons.

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