
Custom Service And Business

316 words | 2 page(s)

What customer service is in today’s business environment? Customer service in today’s business environment is a valuable tool used to create devoted customers that are happy with the product/service they are paying for. It involves listening to the customers’ requests, and resolving their concerns in a timely, efficient manner. Today’s competitive business world makes customer service more than delivering the service or product; the customer should be recognized, acknowledged and remembered. Compassion towards the customers’ situations and sensitivity to their needs as they express them are also a part.

As an employee, what are some of the ways in which you can affect your company’s culture? Any employee can positively contribute to their company’s culture by recognizing several things. The first thing is to adopt a customer-centric attitude, which means the customer is the most important person. Next, they need to use this approach with external as well as internal customers. When the employees serve each other well within the company, the good service spreads to the external customers. The employee should be knowledgeable about the customers’ profile, and be advised on the impact of social media to customer service. Customers have outlets to complain or praise a company’s efforts like blogs, Facebook and Twitter among others.

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As an employee, what are some of the ways you can successfully serve your external and internal customers? By listening actively to what is being requested and responding in a timely manner. A desire to go above and beyond what is required helps the customer feel special. Take an approach to help the customer with what they want, rather than just going through the motions. Treat the customers fairly, allow them to exercise some control over the interaction, and offer them choices or options. Internal and external customers will be better served if they are made to feel valued, understood and appreciated.

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