
Customer Service Letter

635 words | 3 page(s)

Dear Patrick Moran
(President of ABC Television)

Diversity in television is an issue that has been behind the times for decades. However, ABC has been a cutting-edge station, as far as diversity represented well in mass media. For instance, the show “Grey’s Anatomy” has been a prime example of diversity. The characters of Arizona and Callie have represented a lesbian and bisexual who ended up getting married and having a baby together. A same-sex couple engaging in gay parenting is a concept that many shows have not wanted to tackle for fear of angering conservative viewers. However, “Grey’s Anatomy” continues to write in these types of relationships. The series is committed to same-sex relationships and currently has a lesbian couple on the show, i.e. Arizona and Lauren.

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“Grey’s Anatomy” has had many characters of different races on the show, such as African American, Spanish, and Asian. The series has also shown characters who have come from different economic and family backgrounds. For instance, the intern Jo grew up in a foster home, while Alex was raised in a very dysfunctional family. His mother was mentally ill and his father was an alcoholic. This means that a guy from a disadvantaged background is being portrayed as a doctor versus a man with a silver spoon in his mouth.

The way that the show ‘Grey’s Anatomy” exemplifies diversity aligns well with Social Learning Theory. Social Learning Theory states that four elements must be present, such as Attention, Retention, Reproduction, Motivation. The fact that there is a lesbian couple on the show now in Arizona and Lauren states show the attention part of the theory. People take notice that an LGBT couple is on the series. Not every show is willing to take the risk and portray a gay couple on television. People who see this type of couple on the show remember it. Producers from other series may be motivated to write in characters that are like Arizona and Callie. Homophobia and hate crimes happen to LGBT people across the globe. Yet, when LGBT characters and partnerships are shown on television as normal and an everyday commonplace, then hatred and oppression toward minorities tend to decrease.

ABC has shown some healthy diversity with other shows on the network, such as “Modern Family.” Once again, ABC has shown some diversity in the cast’s relationships. Mitchell and Cameron are a gay male couple, who both hold professional jobs. This is one of the few shows that feature LGBT people as lead characters. This is something that took a long time in television. Another way that “Modern Family” has shown diverse individuals in this series is through the relationship of Gloria and Jay. Jay is about 25 years older than Gloria. “Modern Family” demonstrates how Jay and Gloria have problems related to their ages. It is not very common for two people of such different ages to be in a relationship together. Gloria is also Spanish, which makes it an interracial marriage. This is a great way to show diverse characters. Interracial marriages can be hard and challenging, especially when racism and discrimination are still very much a part of this country. Yet, the more that people see different couples being portrayed on television, the less shocking it will be to viewers.

Mr. Moran, please keep up the good work on showing healthy diversity in your characters in shows such as “Modern Family” and “Grey’s Anatomy.” It is great exposure for LGBT people, marriages where people are different ages, and individuals who are in interracial partnerships. It also normalizes various relationships and makes people more open minded to individuals and situations that fall outside of one’s comfort zone. These shows promote a better world. Thank you for your commitment to diversity.


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