
Digital Logical Design

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This paper will be presented in the form of a letter to an executive, working to explain what normalization is, how it may be applied to the database, and address the problems that are associated with data redundancy as pertaining to using information for reporting analysis. It will discuss the rationalization for normalizing the database, and look at the three step technique of transforming a data model into a first normal form, second normal form, and third normal forms.
Keywords: normalization, database, redundancy, analysis, rationalization

To Whom It May Concern,
I understand that you have some concerns about normalization, and I wished to take this time to write to you in order to work to alleviate those concerns; I know you are worried about the database being too constrained and not flexible enough, but once you have reviewed this information, I believe it will change your mind. Normalization is simply a design technique that may be applied to a database in order to reduce matters of dependency and redundancy in data (Guru 99, 2013).

This may be a little confusing at first, but I promise that it is not as tricky as it sounds. Data redundancy occurs when data is unintentionally duplicated, and the presence of this unintentionally duplicated data may often cause a database to function at less than optimal performance levels, causing complications in the process of retrieving the desired information (WiseGeek, 2013). For example, in a manual entry database, there may be some duplication of entries regarding certain pieces of information, as in the repetition of a customer’s name, when the customer already has an entry in the database for their past history.

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There are multiple levels of normalization, up to 6NF at the current time, however the type of normalization that will be used in this database is only 3NF as that is all that is needed. 1NF, or first normal form, contains no data that repeats; 2NF, or second normal form, is a 1NF database wherein all non-key attributes are dependent upon a primary key; 3NF, or third normal form, the type that we are using, is a 2NF database that has all of the attributes, not just those that are not key, dependent upon a primary key (Agile Data, 2012).

Third normal form database modeling uses a specific schema that works to ensure that the database is independent of application and data usage considerations, and requires less data transformation than other types of normalization (Oracle, 2013). In other words, it may be easily implemented, with limited changes to the data, while still removing the redundancy without affecting data usage.

Third normal form allows partition joining, working to ensure that the database may become as large as it needs to be without bogging down the system, providing the flexibility that you are looking for while still working to ensure that the database itself is as optimized as it can be. Database optimization works to ensure that the employees are able to quickly and easily access the information they need. Through the process of optimizing the database, not only will the employees be able to guarantee that they are accessing all of the information on a specific topic, but that they will be able to access the information smoothly, and with no transitory issues in loading data. Data will also load quicker when the database is optimized.

Through the process of normalization and the database optimization it affords, not only will employee productivity be able to drastically increase (no more long load times!) but it will also work to ensure that the database is able to be easily manipulated without creating redundant data, ensuring that the employees will be able to state conclusively that the information they need is at hand, that there is no missing data, and that they have access to everything that they need in order to do their jobs to the best of their ability.

I do understand your concerns, but I hope that I have been able to put those concerns to rest at this time, and that the process of database normalization makes a bit more sense at this time. I have included several links at the end of this missive in case you would like to read up on the subject further, and I look forward to answering any questions that you may have in regards to this matter.

  • Agile Data. (2012). Introduction to data normalization. Retrieved from http://www.agiledata.org/essays/dataNormalization.html
  • Guru 99. (2013). Database normalization. Retrieved from http://www.guru99.com/database-normalization.html
  • Oracle. (2013). Schema modeling techniques. Retrieved from http://docs.oracle.com/cd/B19306_01/server.102/b14223/schemas.htm
  • WiseGeek. (2013). What is data redundancy?. Retrieved from http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-data-redundancy.htm

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