
Diversity in the Speaking and Listening Classroom

490 words | 2 page(s)

There are many different ways that a teacher will be able to create an environment that fosters the development of Standard Australian English while valuing linguistic diversity at the same time, as written and oral forms of language are only different on the surface (An Alternate View of Learning, p.28). Teaching literacy is an art form, requiring “constant reflection, collaboration, and support” (Annandale, p. 31), and all “learners are different” (Annandale, p. 32).

It is no secret that anyone who is able to read is able to teach someone else to read (Jennings, p. 2), however in order to be able to work to create an environment that both fosters the development of Standard Australian English while working to ensure linguistic diversity, additional effort will need to be put into the environment itself. Reading aloud is one of the most valuable aspects of this type of environment (Jennings, p. 16); through the selection process the teacher will be able to create an environment that works to foster these linguistic differences. Commercialized programs are being developed and provided for teachers to enhance the oral language and vocabulary skills of students (McCorquodale & Krikland, p. 32-M), but these programs may not be enough. By selecting books that are set in different times, use different modes of narration, and are set in different places (Saxby, p. 25-31), teachers will be able to show the different manners of speaking, the different word choices and verbiage that is used in different locations, and in doing so, work to sponsor that linguistic diversity within the classroom.

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Activities may be created around these read aloud sessions which include students listening for different verbiage and writing about it after the read aloud session is complete, such as the difference between cookies in American English and in biscuits in European English. Teachers may also choose to have students attempt to write in a style similar to that which they have been listening to during the read aloud session in order to allow them to better understand the linguistic differences that are present.

An understanding of the differences based upon location, time period, and even the place in which the author was born, grew up in, or is currently residing, will serve to assist not only in the development of Standard Australian English, but also work to open the eyes of the students to the many different variants of English that are present, and have been present, throughout the world at large. Students and teachers will be able to benefit from this type of instructional setup, serving to broaden the horizons of all and better entrench a deep love of reading in the students themselves.

  • An alternative view of learning. (pp. 28-42).
  • Annandale, K. (2003). Linking assessment teaching and learning. Pearth: First Steps.
  • Jennings, P. (2004). Reading bug and how you can help your child to catch it.
  • McCorquodale, Gwenyth J;Kirkland, Lynn. Childhood Education; Fall 2006; 83, 1; ProQuest Education Journals
  • Saxby. Children and their books. (pp. 24-45).

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