
DNR and Ethics Case Responses

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The nature of the healthcare industry and the needs of the patients are presenting numerous challenges to the experts (Rich & Butts, 2014). One of the biggest challenges includes the ethical dilemmas that are associated with numerous health care situations. On of the issues in healthcare today is a change of preference on how the healthcare dilemmas are handled as compared to the past. One of the biggest contrasts are the differences that are exhibited in situations that require choosing between moral authority and life. These ideologies present various points of view on what is possible in these situations and what is supposed to be done. The issue has a direct effect on the do-not-resuscitate (DNR) order as it presents it a typical situation that exhibits the ethical dilemmas.

The second issue that is presented in the article is the fact that there are no clear guidelines that can be used in managing some situations in nursing. Some situations are likely to exhibit a clash between the DNR order and the professional ethical standards and obligations (ANA, 2014). The conflict presents a dilemma in the application of some obligations like the patients’ autonomy and various medical issues that may come with a specific medical situation. In such cases, it is sometimes very difficult for the medical experts to determine on how to make a decision because it requires one regulation to acquire precedence over the other. However, from different points of view, all the situations are very important and have their justifications.

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Another issue involves making decisions along the social and medical lines. This issue is very crucial regarding on who is supposed to be involved in the decision-making processes involving critical matters. In this case, the family members and the DNR orders may have opposing views on issues like the termination of an individual’s life. In some situations, the application of the order is perceived to limit the involvement of the patient, experts and family members as part of their moral responsibility.

According to the article, there are various situations in healthcare that require the action of the experts in the decision-making process. The management of DNR is one of the most sensitive issues in healthcare industry. Therefore, in manage situations that are likely to violate either the ethical standards or the moral obligation of DNR, it is important to evaluate the situation critically alongside the protocols of practice. Therefore, the instances in the article are likely to alter the mode of clinical practice regarding the administration of DNR in order to put emphasis on critical evaluation of situations before applying the protocol sand orders (Rich & Butts, 2014).

Moral courage is very essential in nursing practice (Rich & Butts, 2014). Moral courage can assist the healthcare experts to overcome fear in making decisions in situations that present ethical dilemmas in healthcare. The moral courage can assist the experts in standing up in taking strategic considerations into all dimensions in a situation before making decisions related to the outstanding circumstances. Consequently, the moral can also assist in achieving amicable solutions that exhibit advocating for patients and family members while upholding the integrity to the professional guiding principles and humanity.

The Theory of Ethical Relativism is one of the theories that are very relevant to this situation. The theory outlines that a critical analysis of all situations is very essential before a decision is made (ANA, 2014). All absolute truths related to the situation must be assessed and examined in order to find possible ways of dealing with ethical dilemmas. One of the possible solutions of the application of the relativism theory is the use of the Utilitarian Theory. Some situations require an individual to adopt a decision that is perceived to have the greatest good in serving a situation so long as the decision is ethically sound (ANA, 2014).

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