
Effective Student Essay

600 words | 3 page(s)

What makes an effective student? A teacher would answer this in one way and a student would probably reply in another. Any answer depends on what is meant by “effective,” after all. For example, high grades alone may be the defining element, or it may be the student’s sense that the learning has meaning for them, and in spite of poor grades. In the end, however, it is reasonable to claim that the effective student is the second type, one who learns and advances their thinking. The student, after all, studies, and knowledge is the goal of all study. It is then not easy to list the qualities behind this, but several seem to be more important. The impact of other qualities aside, the effective student is one who approaches learning with a real appreciation of it for its own sake, and one who is committed to working hard to learn more.

The quality of appreciation has many sides to it. It goes beyond a sense in the student that learning is valuable, because it is an active process within the learning itself. It is known that people enjoy what they do well (Wigfield, Eccles 43), for example, so the student who is performing well is more likely to enjoy – and appreciate – the experience. This goes to the important connection between appreciation and enjoyment. Students are more satisfied when they learn well, so the process is pleasing and creates appreciation. The student who suddenly understands the concept of global warming, for example, feels more confident because of a higher sense of comprehension, and then actively appreciates the learning behind the knowledge. A student of ancient history may not grasp the impact of the Roman Empire until another lesson relates it to Western imperialism. When the connection is made, there is the a kind of automatic appreciation. What matter here, most of all, is that this sense of appreciation motivates the student to learn more.

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The quality of commitment is more practical, but just as important to being an effective student. Commitment calls on an attitude of persistence; no matter how difficult the learning may be, the student is determined to make the effort to succeed (Kanar 228). This is not easy, of course. A student may struggle a long time in trying to understand the basic rules of grammar in Spanish, for example. They may feel that they will never understand this. However, if they are committed to continue to try, it is likely that they will learn because the commitment will drive them to think in the ways necessary to understand. Another student may want to give up on an English lesson because the material is not interesting to them. When, however, they are motivated by a determination to achieve, the effort will still be made and it is probable that they will appreciate the lesson in the end. Commitment is then really a matter of applying the mind until the learning happens.

As has been seen appreciation and commitment go hand in hand. Each, however, is a definite and valuable quality within the effective student. Given how challenging learning may often be, commitment is a practical need. When commitment is in place, appreciation is enabled, so a cycle of effectiveness or achievement is created. This supports that the effective student is one who approaches learning with a strong appreciation of it for its own sake, and one who is committed to making efforts to learn more.

  • Kanar, Carol. The Confident Student. Belmont: Cengage Learning, 2012. Print.
  • Wigfield, Allan, & Eccles, Jacquelynne S. Development of Achievement Motivation. San Diego: Academic Press, 2002. Print.

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