
Electric Autonomous Vehicle: Development of the application

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In development of the app for an autonomous electric car, the GPS play a major role. Over the past decade, the application of GPS has tremendously increased. This means that it will be easily incorporated into our app. Another benefit will be the fact that many mobile phone users are coherent with the GPS application; therefore, it will be easy for them to use the autonomous electric cars. The location services are the goal of the entire mission; hence, it is important to have a reliable and efficient GPS system in place.

It however must be noted that given the fact that our vehicles are autonomous, a lot more regulation and safety features need to be implemented making it more of a complex process. Having a very reliable GPS system is also important due to the fact that our cars are autonomous, which obviously means that the room for error has to be kept at a minimum due to not being able to blame any errors whatsoever on humans. With regards to the interface of our application, it will definitely need to be done in house due to it being the heart and soul of our entire product.

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The app should work alongside on-board cameras that well process the real world infor, the GPS information, and the driving speed to precisely determine the position of the car while making smart corrections for things like road construction, accidents, as well as traffic (Clark). One of the problems that may be faced in the GPS development for app is the adaptability of the mapping system. This is because the maps that will be used will not be like the ones on Google Maps. Each map should be highly detailed from the height of the cars to the dimensions of the lane that the vehicles are travelling in. Another problem is that the GPS is only accurate to within a few meters; this may cause collisions of our electric cars if vehicles are far apart on the road (Hyder).

Data also plays an important role in providing service to our customers and will therefore have to be collected and used in a complicated manner. After researching the best method to develop our app, we came to the conclusion that outsourcing would be the most strategic option as it would enable the experts to do their job while saving our firm time and money that can be used in order to complete other tasks. Another good aspect of doing so is that you are aware of the costs involved in the development as well as a time frame, therefore getting rid of the chance of running into unexpected issues throughout the process. An in-house web developer would be hired in order to deal directly with the firm that is developing our application for us, ensuring that the process runs smoothly in a timely manner. This employee would be the direct link between our company and the application developing firm. In terms of cost, developing the application externally would allow us to drop cost for this aspect by nearly a quarter.

All in all, there are various factors that influence the cost of developing such an app. Firstly, building and MVP for an On Demand Platforms may involve creating mobile and web interfaces for both demand and supply (Harris 52). To add to that, the fact that the app will require updates on software that will make it run smoothly as well as new designs and integrate better features that may be used by clients all around the world. Ultimately, at the end of the day our goal as a firm is to have the best application possible in order to complement our service, however this does not in any way mean that the development in itself would have to be completed in the same manner.

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