
Empowerment Of Clients Through Groups

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Clients are critical components of any businesses entity across the world. This is because they give a high contribution to the flow cycle of business operations. There are various activities that can be carried out towards enhancing the activity and a positive relationship between the business entity and the clients. This is one of the undertakings that can promote the health and stability of business and thus lead to an increase in the returns generated by a business. One of the realistic approaches towards the creation of good relationship and motivation for the clients is through empowering them in various perspectives. This leads to reenergizing them to give their efforts and resources towards a positive development of the business relationship. This is one of ten critical constructs that can be used in creating a lasting basis associated with base value creation and maintenance within a business framework.

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Creating a collaborative culture is important because it assists acknowledge the facts that the clients are very resourceful and important to one another within a business environment. Empowerment of customers in this respect makes them have a positive relationship that makes them share resources and ideas that are important towards business construction and development. The creation of this empowerment is likely to be successful if the participating clients recognize the importance of positive relationship through realizing that such a group belongs to them, and they have to put every effort towards improving it. The empowerment of the clients through collaboration is important because it makes all the clients to come with innovative solutions to some of the problems that may be unique to the industry and thus have a continuous increase in the productivity of the undertakings. A key inspirational; point for the collaborative groups among the clients is their multicultural competence and supportiveness that may be characteristic of the resultant interactions.

Empowerment of the clients through the collaborative activity is essential because it assists the participants to have a strategic focus that may be created by the common interest bringing them together1. This is through the formation of a group of structural and functional entities that are stable to increase the interaction and to share among the members. To increase the chances of the increase in the levels of empowerment. The group can have various members with unique functions that may associate with the special skills and competencies among the members. This can lead to the optimum utility of the resources and positive energy among the members towards the achievement of their common objectives. Therefore, all the members that are likely to participate in such a group and be called together and the initial interaction scan lead to the identity of the skills and strengths of each other that can be applied towards a positive growth of the interactions that may come up as a result of the interaction. The exploitation of personal competitiveness is important because it leads to optimum exploitation of the abilities within an interaction group and thus increasing productivity and competence.

Having a shared environment created among the clients may be a complex matter because of the different interest and business objectives among the players. However, this requires high levels of spirit and motivation to increase the chances of success for the occurrence of a positive collaboration among the players1. All the members that may subscribe to this environment must have something to offer in positive ways and increase commitment and efforts towards providing the required roles. The operation of the collaborative groups among the members must be in a manner that is open and gives all members an equal opportunity to [participate in the decision making process. This is likely to reduce the chances of the escalation of any conflict that may arise among the members as a result of the personal differences. Therefore, the management of attitude is elemental towards increasing the levels of motivation and making positive contributions towards making the collaborative activities resourceful. Increasing motivation through this empowerment can increase the levels of openness among the participants. This is good for the relationship for the clients because it increases a sharing culture that is imperative to any cooperative activity2. This can make the clients work in unison to find creative challenges that may come up within their areas of interest. Essential parts of the collaborative activity among the clients is to reduce any form of exploitation in the business activities. This is because all the members will have a unique role to play in the business1. This can also lead to the creation of a standard protocol of operation for the business activities and thus reduce exploitation. This sharing is also likely to promote a positive competition among the members and to creating a healthy business environment devoid of any malicious activities advanced by any members of the business.

To sum up, the structural composition of a collaborative environment is empowering towards the sense of creating leadership among the participating parties. This is because there has to be a leader who can increase support among the members and ensure that interactions are positive with minimal risks1. The leader can assist in leading the activities of the empowered clients and thus assist in the creation and execution of the operation rules among the members towards increasing their business activities. Therefore, empowerment through collaboration is one the critical issues that can be undertaken within a business environment to promote all the activities and enhance productivity.

  • Hutchings D. (1999) Partnership in education: an example of client and educator collaboration. Contin Educ Journal; 30:128–31
  • Gutiérrez, L. et al. (1998): Empowerment in Social Work Practice. A Sourcebook, Pacific Grove.

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