
Improving Customer Feedback

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Companies around the world have adopted informatics concepts to identify, track, and solve consumers’ concerns or complaints. However, depending on the outcome or consumers’ experiences companies can further implement strategies that improve the general outcome of their businesses. Indeed, consumers/customers play a vital role in the success of a business, and therefore, companies should seek to adjust their policies, strategies, and activities to fit the needs and concerns of its target market. For this reason, businesses that aim at reducing or improving customer feedback should test services and products before sales, develop quality control measures and coach employees to provide outstanding customer services.

One way companies can improve customers’ feedback is by testing services and products before presenting them to the market. According to Krey, Moeljadi, Maskie, and Rahayu (2014), one of the most common reasons for customers’ complaints is their dissatisfaction in products and services. Practically, consumers would expect value for their money – this means that the product or service offered should meet or even exceed the expectations of the consumers. Therefore, companies that provide products or services should test and sample whatever they produce to ensure that they serve their purpose and meet the needs of its target market.

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Furthermore, companies can also integrate quality control measures during and after the production process. According to Wirtz, Tambyah, and Mattila (2010), quality control measures serve the purpose of inspecting, analyzing and applying actions to products and services to achieve a desired level of quality. The inspection of a product line ensures that companies can make changes on their general operations to accomplish and preserve high quality. As a result, quality control measures will encourage quality consciousness and consequently improve customers’ satisfaction. This approach can serve the purpose of reducing or eliminating errors.

Finally, businesses can implement employee-training programs that aim at improving the quality of customer service. While quality products and services are important, it is equally crucial that companies should employ excellent customer services. A reliable customer service experience is essential in complementing quality products and services. According to Krey, Moeljadi, Maskie, and Rahayu (2014), an excellent customer service system is crucial in delivering products and services with a focus on attracting and retaining customers.

In conclusion, contemporary businesses that seek to improve its consumers’ experience should focus on customers’ needs, the quality of products or services and the effectiveness of customer services. Making improvements in these areas will ensure that customers get value for their money in terms of quality and value for their money.

  • Krey, A., Moeljadi, Maskie, G., Rahayu, M. (2014). Effect of Quality Services on Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty (Theoretical Study at Banking). International Journal of Business and Management Invention, 3(10), 20-35. Retrieved from https://www.ijbmi.org/
  • Wirtz, J., Tambyah, K. S., & Mattila, S. A. (2010). Organizational learning from customer feedback received by service employees: A social capital perspective. Journal of Service Management, 21(3), 363-387. https://doi.org/10.1108/09564231011

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