
Ethernet Specifications

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Ethernet specifications deal with how technology has been enhanced to ensure faster communication between various parties. The below terminologies are used to define the multiple aspects of Ethernet. Once applied, it is possible to see that Ethernet specifications will lead to more interconnected communities. My perception of the articles referenced is that they give a glimpse of how the Ethernet specifications are used in different domains. More so, by virtue of them being written by experts, it is possible to see that they contain the most relevant information about the Ethernet specifications.

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Collision Domain

Collision domain refers to a situation where a collision of data transmission occurs through repeaters that could be found on the network segment. In most cases, the collision domain affects mostly the wireless networks, which are also affected by other versions of Ethernet. The collision occurs when more than one device tries to send a packet on the network at the same time.


The article ‘Wireless Mesh Networks Capacity Estimation Using Collision Domains Wireless’ by Krenz suggests that networks are becoming more popular in the present world (2009). That is why among the major setbacks that they bring include poor communication due to the collision of signals. However, there is a paradigm shift towards enabling them to handle traffic simultaneously and without any collision taking place. That is why there is a feeling that the Wireless Mesh Networks are becoming more popular as days go by due to their ability to handle substantial traffic volumes and without leading to unnecessary collisions. I think the article relates to the current matter by showing how a collision domain can be encountered in the present situation (Krenz, 2009).

Broadcast Domain

Broadcast domain refers to a central point where all devices receive their broadcast traffic. It has a data link layer from where all nodes can pick the required information and send to the relevant recipients.


The article ‘Converting the BBC’s Analogue-Based Broadcasting Network to the Digital Telecommunications Domain’ is about the analogue platform to transmit news and televise content to audiences spread across the world (Russel, 1995). It shows how the BBC used to tap into this obsolete technology and used it to ensure that its content reached as many people as much as possible. It is also possible to see that by broadcasting, the source of new is at one point from where it is spread to other points. That is why looking at the definition of broadcast, an element of information originating from one point is evident. I think the article relates to the current matter by showing radio stations broadcast news from one point to reach several points.


CSMA/CD is a method used in early Ethernet technology as a Media Access Control. It is mostly used on Local Area Network. Since it has collision detection, it ensures that it stops transmitting a frame that is like to collide with other frames until such a time when it is clear to send signals that would not collide with others.


The article ‘Performance results of CSMA/CD Ethernet’ with various Acknowledgement Schemes talks about how various simulations of Ethernet were carried to determine which one could register clarity in its transmission of data signals (Majithia, 1992). These Ethernet simulations included Ethernet with blast window, posited acknowledgement without error and Ethernet with blast window positive acknowledgement scheme with error, among others. It is possible to see that collision detection played a significant role in ensuring smooth transmission of information from one point to another. There is evidence to show that with the accuracy of collision detection, more avenues that can be manipulated to ensure the smooth transmission should be sought to ensure clarity in all aspects. I think the article relates to the current matter by showing how CSMA/CD applies to the transmission of digital signals.


Baseband is a situation where a single data signal is transmitted over a given medium. Baseband sends and receives a binary signal, meaning that it can support bidirectional communication. The reason is that it is capable of sending and receiving signals simultaneously, something that makes it a reliable form of communication. Broadband refers to the analogous way of sending and receiving data signals. It entails using carrier wave to transmit signals. The carrier wave is analogue, meaning that it cannot accept two-way communication the way that baseband does. Broadband and baseband both refer to how data is transmitted between two nodes.


The article ‘Dynamic Range Improvement for Transmission of Optical Single Sideband Signals with Simultaneous Baseband Transmission for Access Networks’ is about research carried out to determine the effectiveness of optical transmission using broadband and baseband transmission (Lim et al., 2006). From the study, it is possible to see that for clarity purposes; there is a need to use the baseband transmission since it allows for binary transmission to take place effectively. I think the article relates to the current matter by showing how the choice of the band will determine the effectiveness of communication.


Wavelength is the distance between two successive crests or troughs of a wave. The waves can either be peaks, which indicate the upper crests or troughs, which indicate the lower crests.


The article’ IEEE Draft Standard for Ethernet Amendment: Physical Layers and Management Parameters for 100 Gb/s and 400 Gb/s Operation over Single-Mode Fiber at 100 Gb/s per Wavelength’ talks about the need to increase the wavelength that exists in the transmission so that there is a faster response that takes place during the communication process (IEEE, 2020). However, when the amplitude of the wavelength is almost parallel to the ground, there are possibilities of poor communication being realized due to shorter crests and troughs that may arise in such a mode of communication. I think the article relates to the current matter by showing how the wavelength is likely to interfere with the transmission of the data signal.

Half and Full Duplex Ethernet

Half-duplex is a situation where transmission is only one-way. That is, communication can only take place in one direction. Full duplex is a situation where communication can be two-way. The implication is that it is possible to send and receive communication at the same time.


The article ‘A performance Evaluation of emerging Ethernet technologies: switched/high-speed/full-duplex Ethernet and Ethernet LAN emulation over ATM’ talks about the change that is being witnessed in various industries due to how transmission is being enhanced to ensure that it can accommodate two-way communication (Rindos et al., 1996). It has looked at the analogue transmission that could only allow one-way communication and the present transmission that allows for multiple transmission to take place. An example that has been used is in the banking industry where the use of ATMs is being enhanced to ensure that they can multitask and serve several clients at once. I think the article relates to the current matter by showing how present-day machines like ATMs can apply the use of technology in serving clients.

Ethernet has boosted first communication between various devices. This technology has ensured that several devices can communicate and exchange information.

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