
Health Inequalities

627 words | 3 page(s)

Life expectancy shows continuous growth in the UK thanks to improved social knowledge, professional workforce, advancing medical and scientific knowledge, and massive investments in the healthcare system. However, there is a difference between health output of wealthy and poor people. Such phenomenon is called health inequality.

Health inequality is a difference in the distribution of health determinants between various population groups. Social determinants are a set of conditions in which people live and work, including education, housing, financial security, and health system. These conditions strongly rely on such forces as economics, social policy, and politics.

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According to the statistics, Englishmen, Scotsmen, and Irishmen who live in poor areas die yearly than those who live in wealthier areas. Reports of different committees and governmental organizations which dealt with evaluation of health outputs for the last thirty years have demonstrated the link between social determinants, inequalities, and health outcomes. Data of these reports show that economic inequality is one of the principal causes of health inequality.

Therefore, UK government has committed to eliminate the gap in life expectancy between poor and wealthy people. In 1997, Labor Government issued various policy documents for reducing health inequalities. The administration also sets the goal to reduce child poverty. Unfortunately, neither of these targets were met. Therefore, the Government has set the new public health policy. According to this policy, local authorities and Health and Wellbeing Boards bear responsibility for removal of health inequality.

In 2008, Scottish Government published the report of the ministerial task force on health inequalities that outlines 4 areas of action to reduce the inequality. Regardless these efforts, health inequalities problem remains critical for Scotland. In response, Scottish authorities have increased the amount of their investment in the activities aimed at improvement of health output in Scotland.

The reduction of the gap in life expectancy between poor and wealthy people is a top priority for Executive of Northern Ireland. This goal is reflected in the governmental program. Northern Irelands’ public health strategy is based on social determinants of health and encompasses different approaches for the solution of issues, like smoking, alcohol, drug misuse, obesity, sexual health, etc.

One more factor that affects health output of the population is financial security. High inflation rate and economic recession cause significant reduction of health wellbeing of the society. Since disadvantaged groups of people are most vulnerable to unemployment and recession, welfare system offers a special social protection for such groups of people. However, there is concern that these proposals may worsen poverty and inequalities of these people.

There is a relationship between the quality of housing and health condition. Good quality of housing, the accessibility to local services, shops, transport infrastructure as well as housing security ensure good physical and mental wellbeing. A low-quality housing may cause various health problems and even death.

Nursing is very critical at every stage of the life course. Nurses understand the full package or support required. They may also determine the causes of illness and needed treatment. Nursing service has the following goals: increase the life by influencing healthy behaviors, reduction of health inequalities, improvement of population health, promotion and development of social capital, cooperation with families and communities to improve the design and delivery of services. Nurses can influence health communities in a different way.

RCN focuses on elimination of health inequalities. Its main goals include provision child the best start, creation conditions that allow children and adults to maximize their capabilities, creation of good work for all people, ensuring healthy standards of living, strengthening the role of ill health prevention. RCN provides support and guidance to its members for the solution of such issues as disease, disability, state benefits and housing problems.

  • Royal College of Nursing, 2012, ‘Health inequalities and social determinants of health’, Policy Briefing, 1-9

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