
Human Performance

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The definition of human performance can vary, depending on who is stating the definition. One definition that has been stated is the following: “performing a task in accordance with agreed upon standards, completeness, and efficiency” (Performance, 2013). Carliner gives a similar definition by describing human performance as an “accomplishment of results against a stated goal, in which the goal is stated concretely in observable and measurable terms, and the results are validated by empirical evidence” (Carliner, 2014, p. 34).

Human performance significantly affects an organization. It can help an organization to be successful and profitable or it can result in hampering an organization’s success. One real life example of how human performance can affect an organization is Trump University. The university, which cost much money, has scammed many people. The University, which was never an official college, asked people to pay $1495 up front. After that, another $35,000 was asked from people for a real estate training course that was heralded as a way for people to get into the business. False promises, such as helping people secure hard money lenders and also helping people to improve their credit were used to bait people into purchasing the program. People lost large amounts of money. Trump University has been sued, the scam the center of three lawsuits. Trump University scam has cast Donald Trump and Trump University in a negative light. The University is not even in operation anymore. The shady workers who ran the training classes deceived many people. Their human performance gave the rest of people the organization a bad reputation (Tuttle, 2016).

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Human performance can be assessed by examining what is known as the internal PSF’s that comprise the skills, abilities, and attitudes of individuals that affect them on the job. Some other PSF’s include one’s intelligence, personality, culture, training, job experience, and how one identifies with a group. For instance, LGBT individuals are part of a minority group that has been forced to remain hidden in the past. Depending on the workplace, an LGBT worker may still not be out to co-workers, depending on other factors that are more external, i.e. workplace openness, commitment to diversity, and company policies. The positive part is that most PSF’s can be managed if one is aware of them (Rooney, 2011).

Human performance can also be assessed by examining the external factors of an organization, such as PSF’s. These include situational factors and elements that are related to work tasks and equipment. These external PSF’s also include types of shifts, communication, work hours, and how much staff is available to work in company positions. An organization’s structure, as well as work methods and visual systems, are also part of these external factors. While external methods can take longer to change and require more planning, changing things that are not working can go a long way toward increasing human performance (Rooney, 2011).

One thing that an organization can do to improve performance is to make sure that all employees are shown respect, value, and diversity. Employees that do feel appreciated are more apt to perform well, which can lead to more organization success. Honoring various communication styles is one way that an organization can encourage employees to give a better performance. A sense of belonging at work and cohesiveness tends to inspire workers to want to give their all on the job. A company policy that outlines the definition of discrimination, bullying, and stereotypes and is shows zero tolerance these concepts is one that will probably end up with better human performance (Lowe, 2010).

Since about 80 percent of human errors on the job are due to the workplace, in terms of job duties, equipment, and the workplace environment, this is where human performance can be improved. For instance, good quality equipment that addresses workers needs and if it is of high quality should be provided for in the workplace. Giving a job to the right person is also something that can decrease mistakes that can lead to subpar performance. A worker who is tired, angry, and distressed is 15 to 20 percent more likely to end up committing an error on the job. This is where it is important to assess the moods of workers. This can be done by assessing the mood and emotions of workers on a regular basis. The time frame for this can can occur during work meetings by via the distribution of a mood chart that workers can fill out anonymously. The chart asks people to list if one is happy, sad, miserable, or feeling defeated. Lower, negative moods need to be fixed or else the company risks continued low morale. Reduced morale can lead to greater attrition on the job, more call offs, and higher company turnover (Caron, 2004).

Workers also need to be connected and affiliated with workplace values and an organization’s mission statement. This is where Human Resources (HR) figures in greatly. HR departments need to screen workers well and make sure that potential candidates fit into the company, in terms of goals, mission, and values. An employee who is hired needs to be the right fit. A worker who fits into the company structure is more likely to perform better at work, which is conducive for the company overall (Lowe, 2010).

Human performance is influenced by many factors, such as motivation, attitudes, and personality. It is also influenced by external factors, such as equipment, organizational structure, and work shifts. An organization can improve performance by making sure that workers are respected, valued, and encouraged to share ideas, versus treating workers with an iron fist style. Appreciating employees’ cultures, assessing their moods, and having stellar communication skills is another way that human performance can improve. Happier workers lead to better performance, which increases overall productivity and profit for companies.

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