
Importance of Standardized Terminology in Specialty Areas

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Using a standardized language is very crucial for communication and documentation in healthcare. In areas of specialization, this enhances the level of communication. This is because most of the medical terminologies are well understood among the experts across the globe. This is because standardizing the language that is used in areas of specialization, makes the experts to have high levels of understanding of the language that they use and thus making passing of information very easy (OJNI, 2008). In cases of new medical experts, the standardized language can assist them to adapt into the system and be able to communicate effectively with others (OJNI, 2008).

Standardizing terminologies can lead to increased visibility for the healthcare interventions. This is because the healthcare experts will be able to have accurate expressions for their medical activities. This can lead increased efficiency as opposed to the traditional record keeping and information delivery. This can lead to the use of computerized documentation. This is very critical because it is patient centered and tit may lead to increased service delivery (Rutherford, 2008). This assists in increased sensitivity in healthcare provision and administration. This is because the medical procedures that are used in the system can be used to improve quality because they are as a result of the best practices.

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Using standardized nursing language in areas of specialization increases the quality of medical services given to the patients. As part of the communication process, the experts are able to adopt non-verbal cues that enhance communication. This is very crucial in the improvement of the relational and communication. This increases the level of collaboration among healthcare experts and thus improving the quality of service that is given to the patients (Rutherford, 2008). This is also likely to assist in saving time because of the short time that is used in message delivery and perception.

Importance of Using Standardized Terminology among Multi-disciplinary Teams
In large organizations, there are various departments that undertake several procedures to ensure that all operations in healthcare are well covered (OJNI, 2008). To ensure there is sufficient coordination among the departments, is crucial that standardized communication protocols are created to enhance communication. This is to ensure that all the disciplines within an organization are operating in consistency with the overall organizational objectives and goals (Rutherford, 2008). This is a very critical activity that contributes to the overall decision making process through sufficient communication and coordination. This will enhance professionalism through uniformity among the experts.

Standardized terminologies and documentation in an organization is one of the most realistic and practical ways of enhancing continuity (RN, 2013). This is because this is one of the activities that can be use promote accuracy in documentation and passage of information. This is can be used to reduce ambiguity in information. This is one of the activities that can increase uniformity and increase measurement of medical care and service. This is because good communication validates healthcare activities and thus promoting patient safety. Viewing healthcare in a wide perspective is very crucial towards enhancing balanced and equal healthcare to all people without any favor or incompetence (OJNI, 2008).

Standardizing terminologies improves documentation of data and information in an organization. This is because computerized management of information is one of facets of standardized practices in healthcare (Rutherford, 2008). This is very critical towards increasing the integrity of the information that is used in healthcare. Standardization of terminology is one of the initiatives has to be adopted by healthcare organizations as part of compliance to healthcare regulations and protocols. This is because it forms a very critical link between the administrators and the providers and thus enhancing the management related to healthcare activities. This will lead to establishment of actual trends and logistics related to healthcare and thus increasing the quality of the services and reducing the costs significantly.

Role played by Organizations in Promoting the Use of Standardized Terminologies
Organizations have a big role to play so as to promote the use of standardized terminology and information systems in an organization. Organizations should ensure that the healthcare providers and administrators undergo comprehensive training on the information systems that are used in the world today. This should include provision of constant seminars and training occasions to keep the experts up to date on the current affairs (RN, 2013). This is likely to increase efficiency and improve in the creation of awareness on the importance of using these information systems.

Organizations should adopt practices that can assist the new nurses to be integrated into the systems (UM, 2014). This can include adoption of strategies that can assist the nurses undergo intensive orientation. This is one of the strategies that can assist them to get familiarized to the systems that are used within the healthcare organizations. This is one of the opportunities to that can be used to enhance standard practices and terminologies in among the new nurses within the organization. Integrating the new nurses assists in enhancing continuity and consistency (OJNI, 2008).

The general setup within organizations can assist in promoting the use of standardized terminologies and information systems. The best way to do this is to create an environment that promotes these practices. Organizations should put facilities and systems in place that can assist in promoting the use of information systems. All the cultural and structural orientations and models within the organizations should promote the use of these practices (OJNI, 2008). The administrators should also be involved in the acquisition and implementation of policies that promote the standardization of processes within healthcare. Therefore, healthcare organizations and administrators should promote educational and professional development to promote these practices (UM, 2014). This can assist in improving healthcare quality and enhancing patient safety.

  • OJNI, (2008). Selecting a Standardized Terminology for the Electronic Health Record that Reveals the Impact of Nursing On Patient Care. Online Journal for Nursing Issues. Retrieved from http://ojni.org/12_2/lundberg.pdf
  • RN, (2013). Nursing Informatics. Retrieved from http://www.rn.com/getpdf.php/1860.pdf
    Rutherford, M. (2008). Standardized Nursing Language: What does it mean for Nursing Practice? The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing. Retrieved from http://www.nursingworld.org/MainMenuCategories/ThePracticeofProfessionalNursing/Health-IT/StandardizedNursingLanguage.html
  • UM, (2014). Professional Development and Education in Nursing. University of Michigan. http://www.med.umich.edu/nursing/professional.html

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