
Phonetic Transcription Assignment

400 words | 2 page(s)

Certainly it is striking – the extent to which items such as Western-style fast food, soft drinks, clothing, music, and movies have spread to virtually all parts of the world. For example, the U.S.-based global corporation McDonald’s operates the world’s largest fast-food chain, daily serving about 60 million customers in some 33,000 restaurants in almost 120 countries. Famous for its Big Mac hamburger, it has become emblematic of the homogenizing of the world’s different cultures in the age of globalization, sometimes referred to as the “McDonaldization” of societies. Indeed, well beyond the realm of food, many countries – such as Japan and Costa Rica – already appear to have gone a long way toward becoming Westernized.

Part One
sə́rtənli ɪ́t ɪ́z strájkɪŋ – ðə ɪkstɛ́nt tú wɪ́tʃ ájtəmz sə́tʃ ǽz wɛ́stərn- stájl fǽst fúd, sɑ́ft drɪ́ŋks, klóðɪŋ, mjúzɪk, ǽnd múviz hǽv sprɛ́d tú və́rtʃuəli ɒ́l pɑ́rts ə́v ðə wə́rld. fɔ́r ɪgzǽmpəl, ðə jú. ɛ́s.- bést glóbəl kɔ̀rpəréʃən məkdɑ́nəldz ɑ́pərèts ðə wə́rldz lɑ́rdʒəst fǽst- fúd tʃén, déli sə́rvɪŋ əbáwt 60 mɪ́ljən kə́stəmərz ɪn sə́m 33, 000 rɛ́stərɑ̀nts ɪn ɒ́lmòst 120 kə́ntriz. féməs fɔ́r ɪ́ts bɪ́g mǽk hǽmbərgər, ɪ́t hǽz bɪkə́m ɛ̀mbləmǽtɪk ə́v ðə homɑdʒənɑjzɪŋ ə́v ðə wə́rldz dɪ́fərənt kə́ltʃərz ɪn ðə édʒ ə́v glòbələzéʃən, səmtájmz rəfə́rd tú ǽz ðə ” mcdonaldization” ə́v səsájətiz. ɪ̀ndíd, wɛ́l bɪɑ́nd ðə rɛ́lm ə́v fúd, mɛ́ni kə́ntriz – sə́tʃ ǽz dʒəpǽn ǽnd kɒ́stə ríkə – ɒlrɛ́di əpɪ́r tú hǽv gɒ́n ə lɒ́ŋ wé təwɔ́rd bɪkə́mɪŋ wɛ́stərnɑ̀jzd.

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Part Two
CertainF/lyB itF isF strikF/ingB – theF extentF toF whichF itemF/sB suchF asF WestF/ernB-styleF fastF foodF, softF drinkF/sB, clothF/ingB, musicF, andF movieF/sB haveF spreadF toF virtualF/lyB allF partF/sB ofF theF worldF. ForF exampleF, theF U.S.F-baseF/dB globF/alB corporatF/ionB McDonald’sF operateF/sB theF world’sF

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