
International Student Mobility

1213 words | 5 page(s)

I. Objective
The objective of this study is to examine the reason that Indian students come to New Zealand to study in private tertiary institutes. There previously has not been any research conducted which lends to the understanding of why Indian students choose to come to private tertiary institutes in New Zealand. In addition, this study seeks to determine what policies of New Zealand result in attracting Indian students to private tertiary institutes in New Zealand.

II. Introduction
Research reveals that the list of tertiary providers in India that participate in the New Zealand Education Fairs are numerable and that there is a great deal of promotion of New Zealand private tertiary educational institutes in the country of India. Indian students enrolled in private tertiary education institutes totaled 11,349 in 2012 out of a total of 91,732 students enrolled in private tertiary education institutes. According to the International Division Ministry of Education in New Zealand (2013) 87% of students enrolled in PTE’s express satisfaction with their educational experience. (Paraphrased)

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III. Research Questions
The research questions that this study intends to answer include the following stated questions:
(1) Why are Indian student motivated to come to New Zealand to attend school at private tertiary education institutes?
(2) What policies of New Zealand serve to motivate Indian students to attend school at private tertiary education institutes in New Zealand?
(3) What role does work and resident related immigration polices play in the choice of Indian student to attend PTE’s in New Zealand?

IV. Methodology
The methodology of this study is qualitative in nature. Qualitative research is descriptive and interpretive and a proper methodology for attempting to understand a social phenomenon such as the reason why students choose to attend schools in a specific country. The research in the proposed study will involve a critical review of literature in this area of study and the administration of a survey to Indian students attending PTE’s in New Zealand. The literature review will identify the primary reasons that students are influenced to attend school in one country over another country and will assist the research in defining the specific questions that will be posed to Indian students who are attending PTE’s in New Zealand.

V. Data Collection & Analysis, Instrument, Reliability, Validity, and Ethics
Data collection will be conducted through the instrument of a survey distributed to Indian students attending PTE’s in New Zealand. To motivate Indian students to respond to the surveys the students will be given a voucher for a free meal at a restaurant of their choice. The researcher will collect the surveys personally and assign each student that responds with a voucher. Vouchers will not be issued in the name of the student responding. The student responding will be instructed that they are not to put their name or other identifying information on the voucher to ensure that responses are anonymous and that no bias is potentially created in the study by the researcher knowing the student’s specific personal responses to the survey. The students will be asked to sign a waiver that allows the use of their responses in the study and for the purpose of any publications arising from the study and will be instructed that their personally identifying information will not be used in the reporting of the study findings. While the study is a qualitative study, this will also be mixed-methods study in that the scoring of responses will be reported statistically where the answer to the questions in the study require numerical reporting of percentages of respondents. There will be both open- and close-ended questions in the survey with open-ended questions allowing students to freely state their answer. Close-ended questions will require that the student answer by stating ‘yes’, ‘no’, or ‘do not know’. Some of the survey questions will ask students how strongly they feel about specific aspects of education in New Zealand and ask them to record their feelings in a range of 1 to 5 with 1 representing very strongly, 2 representing fairly strongly, 3 representing somewhat strongly, 4 representing not very strong, and 5 representing not strongly at all. These types of answers are like those of a Likert-type scale and will be scored by graphing responses to the questions in a chart in order to present findings on student responses in this section of the survey.

VI. Significance of the Study
The significance of the study proposed is that the study will provide information about why Indian students choose to attend PTE’s in New Zealand as well as informing the research in the area of New Zealand policies that attract Indian students to attending PTE’s in New Zealand.

Theoretical Framework
The research proposed in this study is student mobility and student choice of school and the factors that motivate those choices. This framework is reported utilized in the study of Van Mol (n.d.) in a research study of the influence of European student mobility on European identity and their migration aspirations. The framework is such that combines the socio-cultural context the motivation to migrate and the economical context of said migration and the resulting pro and contra reasons in light of the network mobility educational system and mobility mangers along with cultural and educational goals and while Van Mol examined the impact of European Identity on the motivation for educationally based migration this study intends to examine the influence of work and resident related immigration policies on the decision of Indian students to attend PTE’s in New Zealand.

VII. Literature Review
This literature review is very brief and only the initial review of literature on why Indian students choose to attend PTE’s in New Zealand. The Ministry of Education New Zealand reports that 55 PTEs participated in the 2012 New Zealand International Student Barometer which is representative of 33% of the total sector population and that included a total of 1,454 international students at participating PTEs in New Zealand. Reports state that 76% of international students would recommend their institution to other students who are considering applying. Stated as primary reasons that students considered when choosing their study destination were those as follows:

It is reported that 56% of student “applied to PTE institutions through an agent, with 89% of these respondents stating that they received either a good or very good service from their agent”. (Ministry of Education New Zealand, 2012, p. 2)

VIII. Conclusion and Recommendations
Arising from this proposal for research is a recommendation that a study be ensued that examines the motivation of Indian students to come to school in New Zealand and the policies of New Zealand that serve to support or motivate Indian students attending PTE’s in New Zealand.

  • New Zealand PTE Sector International Student Private Providers Barometer. Academic Year 2012. Summary Results. Ministry of Education New Zealand. Retrieved from: http://www.educationcounts.govt.nz/__data/assets/pdf_file/0016/114037/2012-NZ-I-Graduate-Survey-Summary-Results-PTEs.pdf
  • New Zealand Universities: Trends in International Enrollments (2012) Education New Zealand 30 March 2012. International Division. Retrieved from: http://www.educationcounts.govt.nz/__data/assets/pdf_file/0010/115030/NZ-Universities-Trends-in-International-Enrolments.pdf
  • Study in New Zealand Information Guide for Indian Students (2013) New Zealand Educated. Retrieved from: http://www.wie.ac.nz/download/StudyingGuideIndian.pdf
  • Van Mol, C. (n.d.) The Influence of European Student Mobility on European Identity, and Subsequent Migration Aspirations. University of Antwerp. Retrieved from: http://www.ua.ac.be/main.aspx?c=.ESM

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