
Leading Innovation and Change

1570 words | 6 page(s)

A Description of the Change

Hospitals, just like every business institution, handle different clients. In doing that, they are compelled to store every relevant data. More importantly, these health facilities need to maintain their financial records through the most efficient accounting programs. In large healthcare facilities, managing accounting information can be quite a challenge. The collection, analysis, and interpretation of financial data within these institutions need a rigorous and updated accounting platform. It is with this knowledge that I propose the introduction of an eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) at the facility which I work in. XBRL is a platform for managing complex financial information. The XBRL is a system which allows complex data to be managed on a single automated platform which is also decentralized. The decentralization of the financial management system does away with so many bottle necks which cost businesses so much through pilferages, lost hours, and unaccounted resources. Not only that, it allows for institutions within the same industry to share information across a platform which is accessible from anywhere across the world. In an increasingly changing and competitive industry, it is important to embrace the best business practices in order to remain ahead of the competition and to endear oneself to an increasingly sophisticated client base.

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The Value of the Innovation: Its Necessity at Present and Benefits in the Future
Why the Change is Necessary
The change through the introduction of XBRL in the management of the institutions financial information is necessary. To realize its business objectives, the health facility, in particular the finance department, has to be aligned with the best practices. In doing this, it will remain competitive through meeting the demands of its clients. An improved service delivery is essential in an industry such as healthcare where decisions ought to be made in a timely manner. In this case, therefore, the change is a needed necessity.

To start with, it will reduce the amount of time spent to come up with crucial financial information when serving clients as well as when processing information in the course of the day to day operation of the facility. Other than that, the change will reduce the cost incurred in maintaining and keeping records by the accounting department. It should be noted that XBRL is an automated platform which allows the users to customize it per their needs. Given its robust network, it allows data and information to be processed with much ease compared to conventional accounting programs.

Benefits to the Future of the Organization
In the long run, the organization seeks to be efficient in service delivery. Besides, with the ever changing technology in accounting, the health facility will hope to adopt the best technology in customer relations management as well as in book keeping. The objective of doing this would be to automate its activities so as to do away which manual systems which limit the provision of services within the facility. In the accounting department, long term objectives such as improving accountability are necessary in the management of the facility. Not only, the health facility needs a system which is integrated with other accounting systems across the world but the option of being customized to meet the unique needs of every institution within which it is installed. Given this attributes, the health facility is likely to benefit even in the future since its future practices will be aligned with the expectations of the time. In addition, the facility will not be compelled to upgrade or acquire any accounting systems in future since its needs will already have been met. In addition, in the future, the organization stands to gain from a robust system which is easy to use and is less costly to run.

Methods for Managing the Innovation and Change Process
Steps Needed for the Implementation of the Change
There are certain steps which have to be followed in leading as well as introducing the change. As outlined by Kotler, the first step is to prove to the stakeholders in the organization that the accounting department really needs the change (Kotter International, n.d.). The convincing would be done from an analysis based on the cost and time efficiency of the new system. The next step will be to garner the support of the other employees within the accounting department on the need to implement the change. After that, it will be important to come up with a strategy on how to go about implementing it based on the vision of improving service delivery within the facility. When that is done, I will convince other employees to voluntarily try using the new system. In doing that, I will make sure that any possible issue which might be a challenge in the implementation of the project is addressed. Some of the short term gains from the new change that will be felt will be shorter durations in processing clients’ financial information. With that, the change will be felt and across the organization. If the impact of the proposed change will be sustained, then there will be no option but to implement it fully.

Kotter’s 8-Step Process
As outline above, the implementation of the change in the organization is per Kotter’s steps. The organization follows the steps outline by Kotter in his business model.

Steps to Mitigate Issues in the Change Process
When it comes to the employees, the most important way of getting them to get used to the change will be through training. Since this is a new accounting system, it might be a challenge to those in the accounting department to adapt to it. Therefore, one of the strategies which ought to be followed is to take those who will use the system through a training program. Not only that, it is important for those engaged in the program, especially the leaders involved in its implementation, to exemplify transformational leadership. In a setting like a healthcare facility, it is important that the implementation of the new accounting program be as seamless as possible to ensure that he normal process of service delivery is not interrupted.

Strategies for Engaging Employees in the Change Process
Communicating the Change
Every employee at the facility must be made aware of the change (Yphantides, Escoboza, & Macchione, 2015). More importantly, they must be introduced to it in a way which they will cope up with. The most important way of implementing the change is through informing every personnel about it through an open communication channel. In a facility like a healthcare, any form of resistance to change can be fatal. The communication should come from the top leadership of the organization. in doing that, room should also be given to feedbacks and dissenting opinions. Those who are opposed to the change ought to be given an opportunity to express themselves. After that, the objective should be to convince everyone to be part of the change by highlighting the positive impact that it will have on their professional lives. In some cases, it will be important to take some of the employees through training programs to teach them how to use the new system. The training program, in this case, should specifically target those employees working in the facility’s accounting department.

Handling Resistance
Expectedly, a change within any institution is bound to face some kind of resistance and opposition. However, as a leader, it is important to deal with the resistance in a way which would not impact negatively on the work culture at the facility. One of the ways which opposition can be handled is by offering incentives to those who corporate. Besides, acting on the feedbacks from the dissenting voices is also one way of addressing their needs.

The kind of resistance that is expected to be witnessed in the course of the introduction of the new change at the health facility can be overcome by coming up with a transition strategy which is seamless. In this, before the introduction of the new system, those who are used to the old system should be prepared for the new system through the right training programs.

Whole Person Leadership
In introducing this change, the concepts of whole leadership will come in handy. On whole person leadership, one ought not be scared of challenges (Al-Sawai, 2013). Instead, a challenge such as any kind of opposition in the course of implementation of the new program should be viewed as an opportunity to progress. Not only that, whole person leadership dictates that one needs to be bold and assertive. As a leader, one is expected to be at the front in instigating change. In this case, therefore, the focus should be in guiding the rest of the employees at the facility to embrace the change. Personally, some of my attributes will help me succeed. For instance, I believe in honesty. In this case, if my concerns would be for the genuine progression of the facility. In doing that, I will also be compassionate to the demands of the other employees. With such attributes, leading the rest of the team to embrace the change will be easy.

  • Al-Sawai, A. (2013). Leadership of healthcare professionals: where do we stand?. Oman medical
    journal, 28(4), 285-7.
  • Kotter International. (n.d.). The 8-step process for leading change. Retrieved from Kotter: https://www.kotterinc.com/8-steps-process-for-leading-change/
  • Yphantides, N., Escoboza, S., & Macchione, N. (2015). Leadership in public health: new competencies for the future. Frontiers in public health, 3, 24. doi:10.3389/fpubh.2015.00024

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