
Technology in Elementary Education: Pros and Cons

1032 words | 4 page(s)

Advances and technology have changed the landscape of so many areas in modern life. Included in these fundamental transformations is academia, where computer and wireless technology has had a tremendous impact on the way teachers teach, the way students learn, and communication between all involved parties: parents, teachers, and students. Report cards are sent by e-mail, homework assignments are completed by computer, tests are given over the Internet. There has been much discussion about whether or not technology is as advantageous in the classroom for the youngest students in comparison with middle and high school learning. This paper will present both sides of the debate, ultimately making the case that the potential risks of young children using such technology outweigh the advantages for all students, especially the youngest ones.

One benefit for elementary school students to be using wireless devices is that the lessons given to each individual student can be tailored to his or her learning level privately, so that the other students are not aware that the difficulty level for each of your classmates is different. This could present children from being teased because they are in the “slow” reading group or math group. In addition, it is likely that when students begin using newer technologies such as laptops, tablets, or iPads in school, they will have distinct advantages over their peers who who have not had those experiences regarding expertise as well as comfort level in using those technologies (Pullen, 2012.) It is also believed that children who are able to use the new computerized technology in school may be more motivated to learn than students who do not have such access. When elementary school students are able to create their own stories or other original work on the computer, they may begin to have an interest in sharing their work in building an audience over the Internet where other children can read what they have written.

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A key advantage for children, even those in elementary school, when using computer technology is a tremendous exposure to unlimited amounts of information that they can utilize. In addition, these gadgets provide them with the ability to hunt for and learn correct answers instantaneously, so that instead of wondering whether or not their answers to quizzes or tests or right or wrong, they can instantly find out if their responses were accurate and if not, can do the research quickly and learn the correct data. Using electronic devices in the classroom can expose young children to music and art that they might never have such easy access to, as the Internet provides them with a tremendous range of videos containing images and sounds that can stimulate learning more easily than simply visually (Pros and Cons of Allowing Digital Devices in Classrooms.)

However, for every potential benefit for young children using wireless technology in school, there are several legitimate concerns regarding using electronic technology in classrooms for elementary school students as well. One of the most common objections is a concern that children will not be able to or motivated to read actual books in the future; undoubtedly, there are many benefits to physically holding a book, turning the pages, learning to read from left to right, top to bottom, and page to page instead of simply scrolling down a screen (Pullen, 2012.) Teachers may find it more difficult to really come to know students if there is little or no verbal interaction surrounding learning. Additionally, the ability to do research by looking up subjects in a card catalog and using the library to access reference books and encyclopedias may become a lost skill if, in the future, people only have to type in a keyword in order to access a wealth of information. In addition, some people have expressed concern that all of the digital instruments available to children reduce their level of physical activity because it becomes so easy to simply sit down and type on a keyboard, whether it is for academic purposes or playing games.

Some of the most serious concerns about young children as well as older children and adults using wireless devices involve the long-term exposure to the radioactive waves given off by such devices. For the young, developing brain, these dangers may simply be too risky if young children are continually exposed to these potential threats. In addition, there are worries that children may be able to access inappropriate material that has somehow been able to penetrate safeguards. Parents who may be extremely cautious about allowing their children to use the Internet at home may become quite troubled to find out that those same children have figured out ways to view risqué or inappropriate material online while in school. Digital devices also increase the chances that young children will be vulnerable to Internet predators through chat rooms and other types of instant messaging. After all, anyone can portray himself or herself as anyone or anything in cyberspace, so that an older adult may reach out to younger children or teens by posing as another child. In addition, digital devices make it very easy to be victimized by cyber-bullying.

Finally, a major problem that may occur as a result of so many children communicating with other children through wireless devices is that social skills may fall by the wayside without the continuity of face-to-face interaction. These are the skills that allow people to learn to pay attention to verbal and nonverbal cues in order to understand others. Transitioning so many classroom activities to involve the use of newer technologies risks producing generations of people who are unable to write correctly, read books, speak properly, and communicate in person, sadly. It seems that new technologies can be utilized positively in limited ways in elementary school but should not completely replace additional forms of learning and interaction between teachers and students, and children with their peers. To completely replace tried-and-true learning methods with innovative learning methods simply because they are available does a disservice to the traditional teacher-student classroom relationship.

  • “Pros and Cons of Allowing Digital Devices in Classrooms.” 2013. Concordia University. Web . 26 March 2013.
  • Pullen, Mark. “Pros and Cons: Is Elementary School to Early for 1:1 Technology?” 5 January 2012. Getting Smart. Web. 26 March 2013.

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