
“Movement As Dance” Article

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The author of the article “Movement as dance” voices several interesting and rather provocative ideas regarding how a human body should develop and what the role of dancing is in our daily lives.

The thesis of the article is the following: infants move constantly and do communicate with the help of movements. They are not constrained if they have a wish to do a particular move. A very interesting metaphor is introduced: like a caterpillar we crawl in the infant stage, but then do not spin a cocoon and then enjoy a period of life with the freedom of movement, but exhibit most free movement during youth and then tightly wound ourselves into a cocoon throughout adulthood.

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The author makes a point that a man is a “natural mover” and destined to move, so deprivation of movement is very detrimental to his very existence. A case is made for the creative dance, which is applicable to any generation, be it a five year old boy, who want to express his feelings or an adult, who want to feel better about one’s body. Creative dance, according to the author is a perfect outlet for natural emotions and a great opportunity for a person to understand oneself and to accept one’s nature.

The ideas expressed in the article do have a ring of truth to them. After all, a dance can show such qualities as “up tight, spaced out, strong minded, a push-over, throwing their weight around, beating around the bush, getting straight to the point”. So, creative dance may be a good opportunity to express feelings and to communicate, no matter how unorthodox such a method may seem.

  • Dickinson, Jo Leissa. Movement as Dance. A Journey Backward. Volume XVI, Number 3. Print.

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