
Negative Effect of Anabolic Steriods on the Human Brain

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The use of steroids has a lot of side effects since it alters homeostasis of the body. Among the various effects of the use of use of anabolic steroids is that it has negative effects on a human brain particularly in regards to behavior.

Androgenic steroids (AAS) are a type of artificial medicine whose major aim is to imitate the impacts of the hormone testosterone. The main source of testosterone in the body is cholesterol and the same as other steroid hormones; testosterone has its major impact on tissues. For instance, it influences synthesis of protein. Protein creation is vital in tissues repair and development. Therefore, an increase in protein production leads to rapid renewal of the body (Magill, 16-28).

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Negative effect of Androgenic steroids on Human Brain in connection to Behavior
Anabolic steroids to have a connection to the high aggression, rise in testosterone which causes sex desire to increase. At a start, Anabolic Steroids make the user to feel a rise in positive emotions. Such increase in positive emotion includes self-confidence and what is referred to as euphoria or a lot of happiness (Magill, Elizabeth, 102). This feeling is brought about by the fact that after an intake of this substance the muscle volume increases and therefore one feels intense and motivated. It is usually a good feeling at the beginning since one is still at the euphoria stage. However, as the time goes on, the maid depreciates and during this time the neurotransmitters begin to transmit negative signs, the brain wave alters, and the behavior is at its initial stage of changing.

For a very long time athletes and bodybuilders have used Anabolic Steroids to increase volume and discharge adrenaline to enable them pursue the tough moments and more enable them enhance their end results in the competition. The use of Anabolic Steroids make wonders as it pushes an athlete further as compared to his or her competitors. Often in a case where one is used to the use of the Anabolic Steroids and is not involved in the athletic activity, the increased release of the testosterone lead to one being involved in violence. The reason behind this is the fact that Anabolic Steroids have a huge impact on the Neurotransmitters (Korkia, 89) Neurotransmitters are known to be endogenous chemical that is its major function is to transmit information from a neuron to a specific or particular cell through a synapse.

In a situation where Anabolic Steroids are used continuously, it alters the consciousness of an individual such that the Neurotransmitters transmit wrong information carrying out feelings, reminiscences, and awareness and brings about essential mood change. From different studies, it is recognized that Neurotransmitters are severely altered by a lot of substances. However, Anabolic Steroids is thought to have the biggest damage on the Neurotransmitter. For instance, Anabolic Steroids stimulate release of testosterone which in turn is followed by signs that the Neurotransmitters can activate some to act strange (Magill, Elizabeth, 68).

The use of Anabolic Steroids for a very long period can also generate wild mental side effects. Such known effects include paranoia and insomnia. This is usually accompanied by other health effects such as high blood pressure, kidney problems and blood clotting. Another effect of the use of Anabolic Steroids is that it can be addictive. As a result, such individuals are usually characterized with high levels of mental depression. This is usually very dangerous as it brings about suicidal thinking. Depression is usually experienced after one has realized the effect of the drug and now making an attempt to switch out, a situation known as estragon rebound. It is important to note that the use of Anabolic Steroids brings to a standstill the movement of Estragon and therefore at that point when use of Anabolic Steroids is stopped, the body releases Estragon in an attempt to create balance of the testosterone levels. (Korkia, 135)

After the stop use of the drug, one suffers from withdrawal signs. For instance, men will feel a loss of happiness which in turn is substituted by signs of low self-esteem. This usually creates an in-depth depression that can even topple the strongest individuals. Due to increased depression, individuals usually make an attempt back into use of Anabolic Steroids so as to eradicate the depression (‘Brief Anabolic Steroid Use & Sustained Behavioral Reaction). From research, it is evident that going back to into the use of Anabolic Steroids lead to more rigorous depression after they come out of the use next time. One of the impacts of depression is that it lead individuals into use of different stimulants and anti-depressants which in turn lead to alterations of the brainwave process and thereby distorting neurotransmitters interpretation (Korkia, 106-113). This leads to the perception of the person to be everywhere and also causes irrational thinking among the culprits of this drug.

In addition to aboove effects, Anabolic Steroids use also causes often headaches, nosebleeds, acne, stomach pains, rise in heartbeat rate, rise in blood pressure, fluid withholding, muscle stiffness, muscle contraction, tendon difficulties. Lifelong problem includes heart problems, liver cancer, hypertension, eating problems, increased cholesterol, and underdeveloped growth, occurrence of a range, delusions, and HIV. Another one includes baldness in both males and females as a result of increased level of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone. The effect of this is that hair follicles contract causing permanent baldness (‘Brief Anabolic Steroid Use & Sustained Behavioral Reaction).

In conclusion the negative effect of Androgenic steroids (AAS) on the brain result to behaviors such as high aggression and sex desire; rise in positive emotions such as self confidence and happiness; alteration of nerotransmitter funtions; mental side effect such as paranoia and insomnaia; addiction and mental depression. Its withdrawal causes loss of happiness and in-depth depression. Other effects include headaches, nosebleeds, acne, stomach pains, rise in heartbeat rate, rise in blood pressure, fluid withholding, muscle stiffness, muscle contraction and tendon difficulties.

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