
Personal Leadership Development Plan

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Successful leaders should be flexible as they familiarize with the enormous changes that come with the highly sophisticated market (David, et.al, 2014). As such, my mission is to recognize individual contributions as well as accomplishments of my followers. I aspire to use my charisma and self-optimization to cultivate self-worth of my team members and followers. Because I am an independent consultant, I look towards collaboration and consultation as my form of leadership. I observe the importance of actively pursuing my clients together with relevant stakeholders in offering solutions. I am looking to engage my skills to fulfill the needs of my clients. I aim at collaborating with the right collaborations during service delivery.

As a human being, we all pride in different sets of values that we have. My own leadership values based on my aspirations, associations and my family. As such, by being defined these values, I am in a position to pursue my life stemming from purpose and accomplishment. My key personal and leadership values entail:
Competency, Accountability, and responsibility
Community, involvement, and contribution
Respect and advocacy for others
In regards to these values, help me to share my interaction with people around me. When I find myself is a compromising situation, I revisit my values and act to refocus on projecting the best of personal values.

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According to the leadership theories and research, there are many similarities offered by experts that are too large to comply (David, et.al, 2014). As such, I hold the belief that leadership is not a sudden development rather; it is a daily gradual process. The sum of education experiences coupled with my perceptions and observations makes up my foundation as a leader. In this leadership plan, I focus on the aspects of leadership in achieving my present and future goals. A closer look at my leadership plan indicates that I have established a starting point to guide me through the development process. In the case of any changes, this leadership plan is bound to change to fit into the expectations.

I am good at mobilizing teams and encouraging them to attain individual goals. However, I need to work on setting realistic goals when it comes to deadlines to avoid jeopardizing projects or delivering poor services (Sipe, 2015). In the bid to overcome my impatience, I need to learn how to work within set deadlines without struggling with wanting to push my followers to the limits.

My preparation for both present and future needs entails the following parts:
What I want and what I want to offer- it is important that identify the factors that are important to me as an individual (Sipe, 2015). In regards to my followers, I will actively involve myself in seeking opportunities to mentor others, especially those kick-starting their careers. As such, I will mentor persons by demonstrating, explaining and providing examples. I also look forward to offering practical opportunities to help my followers gain experience.

I am looking to develop strength of action by remaining both personally and professionally competent. According to Shankar (2015), it is important for a leader to appear fully capable at all times. Therefore, I must be in a position to utilize the knowledge of having softer skills to avoid the notion that I am over certain. In addition, I want to build up a set of priorities in regards to skills and the motivation.

What is out there- it is important as a leader to get the right information about the various opportunities so that I can exploit to enhance my leadership skills. Leadership courses teach on the importance of encouraging followers to tell them what they know (Shankar, 2015). As a result, helps the leader to stay ahead regarding current trends in the market.

Focus on options- I will focus on making the right decisions by analyzing various research that will reveal on the best direction to take regarding leadership.

Making plans- there is the need to come up with both short and long-term goals by being realistic and observing the timetable. In addition, I will focus on set priorities and break down large tasks.

I must also demonstrate that I can suppress my weakness. My main weakness is the need to achieve goals within the shortest time possible. Therefore, exercising competency, responsibility and accountability is only workable when making responsible choices and decisions (Shankar, 2015). However, when it comes to setting realistic deadlines, I need to make only the commitments that I can fulfill. As such, I must develop a plan for each client based on my capabilities, available resources as well as time commitments

05/1/2017 – 10/3/2017
I plan to develop a schedule weekly review process for current projects. I will strive to complete this review process, make the necessary changes and communicate the status with integrity to subordinates and relevant stakeholders. I aim to Provide weekly training based on effective leadership and communication to team leaders. It is essential to provide learning experiences where followers can derive meaning from pieces of training.

4/4/2017- 1/6/2017
I will come up with a communication format that will pave the way to modify set project plans. In leadership, it is necessary to communicate excellent intentions clearly to accompany them by effective action.

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