
Personal Leadership

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I was asked to be on a committee that was working to help to coordinator a fundraiser for a team that was cycling across the US for a RAAM (Race across America) fundraiser. The group helped to raise funds for a medical and health condition. The committee required a team leader, to help organize fundraising events, check in with sponsors and ensure that there was follow up with sponsors, check in with people, distribute information, and assign duties. I took on that role. This was my first volunteer role as a team leader for a fundraiser, as typically I spent my time engaged in other activities. However, thought this might be good experience.

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There were a total of eight volunteers. Some of the activities that needed to be achieved included creating and updating a website that led to the event, ensuring daily blog posts were written and posted, working with sponsors to get their support and then feature their logos on our literature and the website, and contacting people to see if they wanted to support the race, and were aware of vital information including upcoming race dates, etc. So, in doing so, one of the things I found I really excelled well in was interviewing members of the committee to determine what their strengths were, and assigning task roles based on their skills, talents and abilities. This was not very difficult, as most people were eager to participate and wanted to engage in an activity they were well suited for. I also found that I was effective in communicating with sponsors, and in writing short blurbs and advertising information relative to the sponsor’s needs, wants and desires. When the staff was not motivated to do things (as sometimes we had to wake very early to attend to the needs of the fundraiser or a particular event) I would help get things going by bringing in rewards and incentives, or by working with the committee on encouraging words. I was also effective at running numbers, and creating statistics that showed whether we were meeting our current fundraising goals or whether we needed to push a little harder.

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With regard to inefficiencies, I found I am not as organized as I would like, and would benefit by some preplanning or the assistance of someone that could keep me personally organized. While I had no trouble delegating tasks, when it came to fulfilling my own obligations I was not nearly as organized as I would like to have been.

Elmore provides many images that help with this; for example, the idea of a flood-ravaged home, and the need to keep the water from getting inside the front door; a leader has a duty to keep everyone’s energy inside the bank for maximum efficiency (Elmore, 2010). I wasn’t really doing this, my energies were misguided and I was letting things slip through the cracks occasionally with my disorganization. Using this image I could picture my workday as a flowing river, where one task lines up after another. Another image is the iceberg, where I could consider the things below the iceberg or under the water that had the potential to sink the project and fundraising efforts; that would be all of the tasks that were inefficiently organized (Elmore, 2010). Thus, to consider my character, and the influence of my personal character and need to enlist strength and integrity to accomplish my goals would be important in achieving my tasks efficiently, like others, and to be a good role model.

Another image is that of the baker that bakes bread, but spends too much time doing this for others and forgets to care for himself (Elmore, 2010). For me this represents the need to organize my own time efficiently, so that I have the time to care for and lead others. The idea of the thermostat on the wall is also a good image, as this image suggests to me that my attitude, or the temperature at which I operated at, will set the pace for others. Thus, if I did not procrastinate, and work to create a solid timeline, then others can do the same and will achieve their goals ahead of time. Lastly, very impressive is the image of the golden Buddha, which suggests that it is important for me to return to my strengths, which were my relationship-building skills, and recognize the talents of others. I can use this strength to enlist the help of others in combating my own personal inefficiencies, which can help me be the best leader that I can be.

  • Elmore, T. (2012). Habitudes: The Art of Self-Leadership. Poet Gardener.

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