
Pets in the Workplace

289 words | 1 page(s)

Barbara Knots
Executive Vice president

Attention -The idea of pets in the work place represents a new approach to management. With the world changing, more individuals are warming up to the idea of having their pets watch over them during business presentations, strategy formulations, and team building activities. Despite the many advantages that may result from this notion, the idea is not functional in the long run.

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Interest- Pets plays an essential part in the lives of human beings. Ideally, the work place takes up more than 50% of any person’s day. As such, each person is entitled to enjoy their time to the best of their abilities. Having a pet in the workplace can contribute to a significant amount of enjoyment, happiness, and fulfillment. However, it is not advisable to have destructions in the office seeing as it serves as a place of production.

Desire- While I would like to commend the proposal of the idea of pets in the workplace, I would also like to bring to light the reasons for the suggestions. Currently, people are in need of a change of environment where they are able to let their feet down and relive themselves from the stresses of work. One of the ideas that I would like to communicate is the incorporation of family fun days or “bring your pet to work day”. This will meet the requirement of having ones pet at work while maintaining a sense of sanity in the workplace.

Action -The first point of action is to assemble all the employees so that they can exchange their preferences. This way, all the most creative ideas can be combines with the aim of coming to a workable solution.

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