While researching scholar literature on the unique virtual environment of Second Life, research findings reveals how situated scholars center their content on the wide array of opportunities in anonymity the virtual world offers. Most literature reviews portray how anonymity in Second Life has promoted healthy identity development through self-disclosure without...
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The Cinderella Effect is a theory developed by evolutionary psychologists that describes the way in which step-parents care for and relate to stepchildren in relation to how they treat their own biological children. The theory has been extensively used to compare differences in abuse rates that exist between stepchildren and...
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Healthy physical, social, and emotional development of children from infancy, toddlerhood, and preschool years determines how the will grow up and develop during their later years. More specifically, researchers have proved that children who are likely to be attached to their parents during their earlier stages of life have better...
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In the day-to-day life, love is considered as one of the first emotions that people tend to experience, regardless of how a person defines love. Therefore, love can be what a person feels when sleeping after a long day at work or a feeling that one gets when he or...
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Introduction Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) refers to a “predominant form of psychological therapy” wherein negative thought patterns regarding the self and the world are challenged and modified in order to modify unwanted behavioral patterns or in the treatment of mood disorders (Willner & Lindsay, 2016, p. 283). The use of...
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In 10,000 Hours, Malcolm Gladwell asserts that the best performers in various activities, such as sports and arts, attain their level by practicing for approximately 10,000 hours. His intention is to contribute to the question as to whether there is such a thing as innate talent and its role in...
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This case involves a short clip on the Dr. Phil show, where 10 year old boy gets into an argument with his mother and eventually slaps her in the face. This is a difficult case to assess because there is obviously a more complex family history at play than what...
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Stress is a common psychological complaint in the modern world. However, it is important to recognize that there is a neurological basis to this complaint. The human nervous system evolved in the prehistoric period; however, it still responds to modern complaints, such as traffic and work pressures. In order to...
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I want to start off this piece by talking about my father and his similar experiences to what the main character had in this story. When he was out with the church giving out food to the homeless, he struck up a rather pleasant conversation with an African American man...
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Anxiety is considered to run in families. However, scientists have not been able to put a finger on a specific gene (Elley & al npag). That leaves open the possibility that stress and anxiety are not inherited but acquired and taught. Studies on twins showed that stress could be present...
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The TED Talk by Helen Fisher addresses the main brain systems that are responsible for producing the feelings of romantic love, sexual desire, and long-term attachment that push people to develop relationships with others. Namely, Fisher argues that all three kinds of love evolved to push the humans to reproduce...
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Growing up with a single parent is not an easy process for both, a child and a parent, given the potential behavioural and social consequences in the living environment. Currently, more than half of the children of this generation grow up with a single parent or start living with a...
255 words | 1 page(s)
The purpose of this review is to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the article. There are two reasons why this article is very engaging and almost convincing. On the other hand, there are reasons for rejecting the author’s sentiments based on the obvious weak points. The author cited several...
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To me academic integrity means being honest when I do my work. It means doing my own work. It means that when I do use other people’s work – like research resources – I document those resources. I make sure that when I use other people’s work, it’s clear what...
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Psychologist have evaluated the relationships between alcoholism and personality profiles in a number of research studies. Alcohol abuse is an untreated epidemic in the United States (Bergland, 2015). There is still a great deal of confusion in regard to the personality traits of men with excessive alcohol consumption and social...
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Studies indicate that prior human knowledge, as well as context, have much impact on our perception of objects along with how we interpret events. Moreover, people tend to perceive and conceive activities based on discrete events. This brings in the concept of theories that outlines how perception of boundaries between...
1060 words | 4 page(s)
The main personal bias I am aware of having is class-related, although I am not biased against those who simply do not have much money and struggle to get by, but rather those who appear to use handouts and never seem to work toward bettering themselves. I tend to have...
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Decision-making bias in organizations can either have a positive or negative impact. One example that I came across was during a recruitment process of key positions in the organization. The decision that was made during that time went against the organization’s stand on gender inequality. This paper looks into paralysis...
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The mind plays tricks on man, remembering what it wants and forgetting other bits of information that is crucial to the understanding of the whole person or experience. In research, this causes problems when a portion of the study data requires individuals to recall events or feelings experienced surrounding the...
701 words | 3 page(s)
Time management is characterized by the process through which an individual or group effectually accomplish its objectives (Hellsten 4). Effective accomplishment of goals entails a sense of control over the content of what the individual or group does. Control over one's time involves establishing specific targets and determining which activities...
1058 words | 4 page(s)
There are many reasons as to why so many college students are experiencing anxiety and depression, so there is not a single definitive cause of this phenomenon. However, researchers identify that there are several possible factors that might be causing anxiety or depression among this age group. Some of these...
950 words | 4 page(s)
It happened three years ago. One summer evening, as usual, I was returning home from my friend’s place listening to music and thinking of my plans for the next day. As a rule, in such situations, I am entirely turned in upon myself and do not pay much attention to...
477 words | 2 page(s)
I enjoy the competitive spirit in sports. However, I also believe that one should obey the basic rule of sports competitions, which is to compete fair and according to the rules. Yet many do not abide by this basic rule because of their adherance to the mantra of ‘win at...
299 words | 1 page(s)
Déjá vu is phenomena involving the same moment and the same activity with the same individuals that occurred at a time before the present. The feeling of having the same moment occur twice is distinctive and not in reference to meeting the same friends at the same mall location every...
1129 words | 4 page(s)
Becoming a nurse practitioner is my dream career because I enjoy being a nurse and it gives me fulfillment and meaning to life. Nursing has taught me the importance of being resilient in achieving goals and having compassion for patients at all times. It is truly satisfying to give hope...
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