
Steely Dan: Texture, Tempo, Mood, and Sound

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The song uses several instruments and two types of vocals. In the intro the first instruments heard are the drums, piano, and guitar. These instruments help to set up the beat and rhythm of the song. After the intro the tonal color of the song is developed. The tonal color comes from the lead vocals, bass, and rhythm guitar, which gives the song a smooth, cool feeling mood to the piece. The tonal color is blended well because each of the three sounds compliment each other and combine to produce the desired mood. The end of the song is chaotic with different sounds and rhythms happening. This chaotic ending to the song works well because while some instruments and the vocals are keeping the original beat other instruments are going off on their own, mimicking the climax of the story told by the lyrics.

The texture of the song changes as the band plays. At first in the intro, the texture is very thin. This thin texture helps to set up the song with the basic beat and rhythm that is present throughout the piece. The texture changes several times during the song with the chorus and as the story told reaches a climax with Kid Charlemagne fleeing. Steely Dan. “Kid Charlemagne.”

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The drums are the main instrument that keeps the beat and during the intro the piano helps with the beat and during most of the song the rhythm guitar keeps the beat too. The tempo that is created by the beat is of a medium speed. The tempo is easy to move and dance with and there is no struggle to slow down or speed up movement for the medium speed tempo.

The entire mood of the song is interesting. The instruments and rhythm of the song gives an upbeat and happy mood but the lyrics give a sadder mood with a story about a drug dealer. I think that the mood presented by the instruments overpowers the mood of the lyrics which gives the whole song more energetic feel to it. I like this energetic feel and I think that it works well for the song. Because of the energetic feel to the song, I would say that there aren’t any dynamic changes. It seems that the song as a whole is played at the same volume to create the high energy needed for the mood.

This is an interesting song in that it sounds like two different types of music. The rhythm presented by the piano and guitar at times in the song seem syncopated giving the piece a jazzy feel. Also giving the song a jazzy feel is when the brass section comes in, at times it seems like there is some improvisation going on, a common theme for jazz. The rhythm heavy structure of the song also makes it feel like a rock song because the song is rhythm dominated with no real melody played in the song.

This song tells a story through successive verses sung overtop a repetitive piece of music. The actual music of the song is simple and repetitive because it is dominated by the beat and rhythm that gives the background for the lyrics. The lyrics are sung in successive verses that build off of the last verse as the story is told. The lyrics that make up the story are broken up by the chorus and these are the only times when the lead vocals and backup vocals sing together.

I will listen to this song again after this assignment. I enjoy the rhythm, mood, and energetic feeling created by the song.

  • Steely Dan. “Kid Charlemagne.” “A FLG Maurepas upload-Steely Dan-Kid Charlemagne (Live).” YouTube. Uploaded by FLG Maurepas, 25 January 2015, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b1VK.

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