
Student Discourse and Group Composition

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What dialog script are and how they are used to enhance learners’ small group interaction
Dialog script is a form of conversation which can be written or oral (Gillies, 2007). They facilitate their interactions in small groups because, during dialog, students are left to several methods of talking and reasoning about what they are discussing. By repeatedly exposing learners to use of approaches utilized during dialog scripts, they become skilled at internalizing them and suit to the range of the expertise they utilize to assist in developing passages.

Specific methods and how they are used to help learners to use dialog as they learn
They are “reciprocal teaching, collaborative strategic reading, scripted cooperation, guided reciprocal peer questioning and self-regulated strategy development” (Gillies, 2007, p. 116). Reciprocal teaching helps students to be patient and give others a chance to dialog while collaborative strategic teaching enables them to share ideas. On the other hand, scripted dialog helps them to learn how to be engaged in the conversation and guided reciprocal peer questioning students’ thinking, elicit ideas and enhances shared learning. Self-regulated strategy development helps them to know how to create meaning.
Advantages and disadvantages of same and mixed-ability groups

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Mixed-ability groups may share ideas and students with greater ability may assist the ones with limited capabilities according to (Gillies, 2007, p.124), “Low ability students benefit from working in groups with students…apply what they had learned in follow-up texts”. However, there is the likelihood of interest problem arising due to varied attitudes. The same-ability class is advantageous in the sense that learners have the same learning abilities, implying no student will be disadvantaged. On the other end, students with same ability may not achieve their best because they may relax.

Conditions under which mixed and same-gender groupings are appropriate
Same-gender grouping is appropriate when a particular gender has low self-esteem and would like to seek help from others while mixed-gender is appropriate when the numbers of students in all genders are equal.

Diverse strategies teachers can use to group students
They can use varying needs, abilities, gender, and heterogeneous grouping.
Speaking and listening standards for K-5: They are expected to “Respond to literature by employing literary language, textual features, and forms to read and comprehend, reflect upon, and interpret literary texts from a variety of genres and a wide spectrum of American and world cultures” (16). For 6-12, they are expected to “seek to understand and communicate with individuals from different perspectives and backgrounds” (Engage, 2012, p. 60).

A plan for teaching communication skills and using strategies that lead proficiency in speaking and listening for K-5 grade
I will try to comprehend and converse with from varying perspectives and cultural backgrounds and seek to utilize their experience and “knowledge of language and logic, as well as their cultural, to think analytically, address problems creatively, and advocate persuasively” (Engage, 2012, p. 32). For 6-12, I will engage students in discussions and allow them to share their experiences. Afterward, the students will be expected to share their experiences with each other. I will let students ask questions while others respond to them.

  • Engage, (2012). NYS p-12 Common Core Learning Standards for ELA and Literacy. Retrieved from https://www.engageny.org/file/736/download/nysp12cclsela.pdf.
  • Gillies, M, R., (2007). Cooperative Learning: Integrating Theory and Practice. New York: SAGE Publications.

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