
Students with Foreign Language

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Learning and becoming proficient in a foreign language takes determination and hard work. For the writer in this case, he needs to learn it in order to become a teaching assistant. As such, he handles tasks that assists in his endeavor. Here’s a summary of what he wanted, and what he needed to do to get there.

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The writer says that He wanted the Job of the teacher assistant. He had to fulfill the requirements to become a teacher assistant. It was an easy task. He had to read a text and to produce a report at the ending of the every week. He was given the topics in the first two weeks which included ‘The making of the counter- Culture’ by the Theodre Rozak and ‘Miami and the Seige of Chicago’ by Norman Mailer. He had to read and to write a report on it. The writer was brought up in Ensenada and for him; it was so much to ask him. He was not quite good with the English language and it was inferred understanding of him about the politics and culture (Mancillas 543). Writer told and wrote about his drawbacks. He said that he was not very good at the English level but he was assigned to do the work and produce something after reading it. He further said that He belonged to a place where English was a rare commodity. He could not understand much of the politics or about the culture but Mancillas hard work paid him. He wanted to work as a teacher assistant and now with the entire struggle, he has become a writer too of the language which was naïve for him.

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The writer’s determination in learning English has shown that whilst it can be difficult, it is still very possible to learn and be proficient in a foreign language. He achieves his dream and becomes what he wanted to become in the end.

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There will always be lots of frustrations and despair when learning to speak a foreign language and trying to grasp the concepts of the language. In learning, it is vital to understand your weaknesses and work harder to improve in them. This is what the writer had to do. Here’s a peak into what he went through in pursuit of excellence.

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The writer says that He had to sit there in the classroom. He struggled and tried to concentrate for two quarters. He struggled like never before but still he managed to get C grade. His self-respect was totally crushed. He counterfeit and it I thought it would help me in the future and it was to going to be a good opportunity for me. I worked hard and when I graduated I managed to get grade A leaving aside the general performance which was below per average (Mancillas 543). There is a common saying that who works hard is always paid off with the reward. The writer Mancillas fought with his weakness. He tried and tried and got the A grade in the end. When writer first made an effort he didn’t manage to good grades but for the better educational future of his, he worked day and night diligently and acquired his desired aim. He has become a writer now.

Becoming a writer is no mean feat; not only does a person have to be creative but he or she is required to be able to express ideas easily and effortlessly in writing. This becomes more difficult when the writer wants to write in a foreign language. The writer in this case worked hard to learn his second language and eventually became a writer. It took practice and determination to get there.

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It is vital for today’s students or learners to study at least one foreign language. The demands of a globalized world imposes this need since work environments have changed. There is a need for bilingual employees who can work in multicultural environments across the world. Hence, it is essential to learn a foreign language. Educators and policy makers, therefore, have worked tirelessly over the years to make this possible. Even so, there are challenges such as learning disabilities seen in a number of learners.

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Learning a (second) foreign language may be stress-free for some individuals, and exceedingly difficult for others. Educators and experts of linguistics have looked into the matter for years but have not been able to come up with conclusive findings on the reason behind it. According to Ganschow and Schneider (2006), the need to learn a second (foreign) language has grown in recent years. Previously, it was required for college-bound students to have learned at least a foreign language for two years but this has changed. These days, high school students are all required to know at least one foreign language by the time they graduate. While it is common to find people who cannot easily learn a second language easily, there are other serious cases where people have learning disabilities. This is called dyslexia (disability in learning a language). For this group of people, the privilege of learning other languages becomes impossible and therefore left out in the pursuit of some courses in college.

Whilst it can be easy for some people to learn a foreign (second) language, it is very difficult for others to do the same. Some people have learning disabilities as far as learning foreign languages is concerned. These learners are oft left out when opportunities come about to proceed to the next level of education such as college education from high schools that require foreign language proficiency for graduation.

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