
SunDrop and the Power of Dance

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In 2011, the American soft drink company Dr. Pepper Snapple Group hit the nationwide streets to reintroduce one of their most famous brands of soda, SunDrop. When the first SunDrop commercial of the year hit the air, it introduced to us at first the SunDrop girl dancing around town to rapper Snoop Dogg’s ‘Drop It Like It’s Hot’ which seems to be used because of the play on the word ‘drop’ which matches SunDrop’s theme. In the commercial, the SunDrop girl dances around in a SunDrop shirt while drinking the soda creating awareness of the drink for the people in the commercial to see as well as for viewers of the commercial.

In the commercial, the announcer says that ‘a thirst quenching citrus soda just dropped coast to coast’ letting viewers know that they could now go to their local market and pick up a SunDrop soda. At the end of the commercial, the SunDrop girl is at a pool party where everyone is ‘dropping it like it’s hot’ and drinking SunDrop sodas. This is only the first of many SunDrop commercials, which eventually adds a SunDrop guy and they affectionately dance together in the ‘Citrus Soulmates’ commercial.

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The use of the dancing songs ‘Drop It Like It’s Hot’ and ‘Dance, Too Much Booty in the Pants’ are what make the commercials. If it weren’t for the random dancing and dance music in the background the commercials wouldn’t be as effective. The dancing shows viewers that drinking SunDrop sodas is the new fad amongst the teenage to young adult crowd. There are also YouTube videos that show you how to do the ‘Dragon Drop’ which is the name of the dance the girl and guy are doing in the commercial. SunDrop even started a weekly contest in 2011 so people can show how they ‘drop it’ for a chance to win a prize.

While watching television, you often notice the difference in the intensity of certain commercials. Whether it’s a SunDrop girl dancing commercial or a commercial for replacing your tires, you can notice the difference because of the colors, the mood, the voice, and most importantly the movement. When watching these commercials the mind mimics what it sees even if the body doesn’t show it. In today’s society, human movement is important because when a commercial comes on television or the Internet it’s what you see that intrigues you. Seeing someone dance out of the ordinary is more appealing to the eye than watching someone sitting and reading a book. If it weren’t for the visual art then the commercial would be boring and the viewer wouldn’t be interested.

The most effective use of dance I saw was the actual dance itself called the ‘Dragon Drop’. The SunDrop guy and girl used this dance effectively throughout each commercial and by the end of the commercial everyone was doing the Dragon Drop. It’s also the same dance that the contest called for viewers to do in order to win the weekly contest, which in itself is another way of marketing the drink because for people that didn’t know what the SunDrop soda was it made them aware by seeing people do this dance and looking it up to see what all the hype was and is about.

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