
The Process Of The Water Cycle

536 words | 2 page(s)

To begin with, water is a highly important source of nutrition. It is an element which is crucial to the entire biological species. The water cycle, also recognized as the hydrologic cycle, is a model which describes the continuous movement of water on Earth. Importantly, water constitutes 60% of the human body. It is used by the body’s cells and tissues in order to maintain a stable body temperature and for other essential processes. These and numerous other facts prove that water is a key element of human health. Furthermore, this information may arouse one’s interest in how the water cycle works. In brief, this model can be characterized by three processes: evaporation, condensation, and precipitation. They are described in greater detail below.

The first major phase of the water cycle process is evaporation and it is the process of changing the liquid’s surface into gas. Recycling water is exchanged through the Earth’s rivers, lakes, ocean and atmosphere. The evaporations process is forced through the sun. When the liquid’s surface interacts with the sun, the water transforms into invisible gas. Evaporation is also driven by wind, temperature, and density of the water. Water vaporization surrounds us, as a crucial part of the air we use to breathe. Vapor is also an important greenhouse gas. It is gas that is responsible for insulating the earth and keeping the planet warm for us to continue life as we know it.

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The second phase of the water cycle process is condensation. It describes the process by which water vapor (gas) in the air is changed into liquid water. It is the complete opposite of the evaporation process. Condensation is necessary, because it is responsible for the formation of clouds. When water vapor rises through the earth’s atmosphere, a very small part off particulate matter such as soot, dust, and salt mixes with the water vapor in the atmosphere. These very small particles are called aerosols. As the weather cools, the water vapor turns into tiny particles of water and ice crystals. The water vapor meets up with the aerosols and sticks together. As more and more gas and aerosols stick together, clouds are brought to existence.

The third and last phase is precipitation. This explains the various forms of water present in the atmosphere in the form of rain, snow, hail, and sleet. Occasionally, water may present itself in the form of fog or increased humidity, without falling from the sky like rain does. Yet fog is still classified as precipitation. After the condensation process, the water droplets in the atmosphere get bigger and more water particles meet up with each other. Soon, the force of gravity becomes too powerful for the cloud to take. As a result, water descends from the sky.

To sum up, the water cycle goes through three main processes: evaporation, condensation, and precipitation. One cycle takes approximately nine days. Furthermore, water is one of the key substances on Earth and nothing could survive without it. While the overall amount of water on Earth is more or less constant, via the water cycle it constantly changes form. Most importantly, the hydrologic cycle helps to ensure that all ecosystems are supplied with water on a regular basis.

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