Experimental research design is used to periodically measure a defined group of individuals’ behavior or condition before and after implementation of an intervention to determine the effect of the intervention or treatment. One area of specialization that would be of interest to me would be the government-funded meal program on school children. Testing the nutritional effects to a sample of school children who are enrolled in this program would be measured once before the program begins and three months after, then one year later.
The intervals of time are compared to analyze the program effect. I am interested in seeing if the children are actually benefiting from the program nutritionally. There are three factors that would be involved which are multicultural, ethical and legal that should be considered as variants. Time series design changes across a program and the data should be predictable and verifiable. Jupp(2006)
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"Time Series Design and Therapeutic Outcomes".
The therapeutic outcome of this experiment should give an indication of the benefits of the program or the ineffectiveness of the program. If there is no benefit then there should be some recommendation of better nutritional meals. This is where the ethical factor would come into the forefront. It is not ethical to not provide the best nutrition for our children. Balkin(2010). Gottman, McFall, and Burnett (1969) state ‘that the time series is the only design to furnish a continuous record of fluctuations in the experimental variables over the entire course of the program.’
In this particular experiment a continuous record of fluctuations would occur. The measurements of one month, then three months and up to one year should show the verifiable outcome that would give a true picture of what should be expected. Consequently, then whatever failings are shown can be rectified.