
Transformational Leadership In Advanced Practice

330 words | 2 page(s)

In my future practice when I am working as a nurse practitioner I will lead myself and my staff in the best way that I know how and by following this definition of transformational leadership which is “leaders and followers help each other to advance to a higher level of morale and motivation.” (Sherman, 2010) This quote is from James MacGregor Burns states how I want to run my practice in one word . . . motivation not command and control. (Sherman, 2010) Leadership is not control but working together.

When using transformational leadership nurses and practitioners are able to identify changes in their environmental needs, guide the change by inspiring followers and to create a sense of commitment to make change. (Sherman, 2010) Transformational leadership hinges on a high level of engagement between the leaders and the followers. It depends on fellowship of the staff members. It also enhances how nurse satisfaction promotes a positive work environment and reduces staff turnover. (Sherman, 2012)

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As nurse practitioners we will want to do the best for our practices. It is all about being feeling empowered to make the necessary decisions and dealing with the many complex services that I will be completing and performing in my practice with my staff and patients. Leadership in general is all about educating who we work with at given times. We all have to learn and make adaptations in our practices when new ideas and procedures are developed. (Crigger, 2011)

Transformational leadership is a way that we can keep learning to help. It is a way that we can offer our staff and patients continuing education by offering educational programs that teach them how to care for themselves when they can and when they should get more help. It is also all about making and accepting change whomever the ideas come.

  • Crigger, Nancy & Godfrey, Nelda. (2011). The Making of Nurse Professionals A Transformational, Ethical Approach. Jones & Bartlett Learning. Sunbury, MA.
  • Sherman, Rose A. (2012). What Followers Want In Their Nurse Leaders. American Nurses Today.

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