
Unix, Linux, and Windows

684 words | 3 page(s)

Unix was developed by AT&T and designed in a way that provides a programmers feel to the operations and functions. Unlike other operating systems, it has a filing system that works as its main mode of communication. Unix has also sparked the creation of a programming language commonly known as ‘C’ that was specifically designed for the Unix system. (Ritchie, 1996) There are three major distributors of this operating system, being Oracle, IBM, and Hewlett Packard.

Linux was designed to be a free operating system from Intel’s line of personal computers. Today it functions as a major system, running mostly on large scale main-frame computers servicing businesses and internet based companies. The development of this operating system was a collaboration of developers each putting forth bits of open source software. (TuxRadar, 2014)Linux also runs the programming language of ‘C’ that created the GNU or General Public License, so it will remain a free operating system and model after the Unix system. The Linux system belongs to the GNU Public License and makes sure that any user can access and alter the code that acts as a fundamental factor of the Linux operating system. With this system, if you are in need of technical support or guidance on problems, you have to turn to community forums and hope you find someone who can help solve your problem, as opposed to a formal ‘help desk’. With this system, you have the option to operate under different running levels. For example, if there is a problem, you can run on a level 2 or 3, fix the issue, and return to full operation.

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 Windows is a user friendly operating system that is not only written in the programming language of ‘C’ but also ‘C++’ and Assembly. It is also one of the leading operating systems out today in personal computers and servers, due to its user friendly interface and sleek design implemented with its simple window logo (Yegulalp, 2014). Windows is the operating system for many devices such as laptops, desktops, cell phones, and servers. While Windows was developed by Microsoft, other computer companies have rights to distribute computers with windows preinstalled on to it. Unlike in the Linux operating system, if you want to find, open, and alter the coding to the foundation, good luck. Getting to the base of the windows operating system is nearly impossible. The access points for the programs coding is heavily guarded to protect against malicious hackers trying to take down the system. Windows has a formal help desk but it can come at a cost. Although it might be costly, it is worth it to completely get the issue straightened out as opposed to the Linux operating system, where the problem may or may not ever get solved. This system has only two running levels. If you have an issue, safe mode is the only alternate to running at full capacity.

In comparing the operating systems, one thing stands out. Linux is free and can be distributed openly at no cost, while Unix and Windows have different costs depending upon the systems structures. Linux and Windows can be used by anyone in any setting, home or work, and although Unix was developed for the use of mainframes and major work stations, it can still be used by anyone. One of the major factors in operating systems is the security. Linux has zero actively spreading viruses in effect today on its system, Unix has about eighty-five to one hundred and thirty actively spreading to this day, and Windows has well over sixty thousand viruses spreading daily within its system. In riding Windows of the viruses it takes anti-virus software that comes at a price. Usually costing around twenty to four hundred dollars depending on the size of the hardware.

  • Ritchie, D. M. (1996). The Evolution of the Unix Time-sharing System. Retrieved from:


  • TuxRadar. (2014). Linux, Linux, everywhere. Retrieved from: ‘http://www.linuxformat.com/’
  • Yegulalp, S. (2014). Microsoft’s new open source ASP.Net can run on Linux, OS, X.

    Retrieved from:  ‘http://www.infoworld.com/t/microsoft-net/microsofts-new-open-source-aspnet-can-run-linux-os-x-243257’

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