
US – Cuba Relations

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Since 1959, the relations between the US and Cuba have deteriorated significantly. Following the Cuban revolution, the US corporations cannot purchase do any businesses with Cuba. The US government introduced an embargo due to nationalization of the corporations’ property since the time of the revolution. Another reason for the embargo is the refusal of the Cuban government to step on the path of democratization and introduce laws that will carry out the respect for human rights.

The situation was tense until Barack Obama introduced the new wave of normalizing relations between the two countries. Currently, embargo restricts Americans from traveling to Cuba, according to the US Treasury department. (Diamond) However, it may change due to normalization, too. The Cuban President Raul Castro supported the cause, and the new wave was interpreted as “The Cuban Thaw”.

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As the diplomatic affairs moved onto a new stage, several actions were taken. For instance, normalization undermined the revision of some of the US travel restrictions. Moreover, fewer restrictions on the remittances were expected to take place. What’s most important, the US are to access the Cuban financial system. In terms of diplomacy, the US embassy was established in Havana.

The changes in Cuba and the normalization of the relations was considered rather as a positive step for democratization between the two countries. Most of the Western European countries commented on the situation as a positive change to establish the relations between one of the most powerful countries in the world. Also, such step from the side of American government evidences the possibility of the change of the attitude towards human rights. Some of the international organizations such as UN may watch more closely the changes that happen in Cuba and. Also, they will pay more attention to the country that was not of such a broad attention from the side of American government.

  • Diamond, Jeremy. ‘9 Questions You Were Embarrassed To Ask About The Cuban Embargo – CNN.Com’. CNN. N.p., 2015. Web. 14 Mar. 2015.

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