
Water Contamination in Africa

488 words | 2 page(s)

The problem of water contamination is evident all over Africa. There is no sole source for this contamination, nor is there one location that is solely affected. There are many journal articles which address the water contamination(Seaman, 160). These articles indicate that the issue of water contamination is evident all over Africa and unfortunately, the most affected by this contamination, are the poorest populations that have no choice but to drink the water although it is making them sick and killing them (Nyangababo, 963). Many organizations have tried to address this issue overall (Leonard, 580); however, without the help of the government and the halt to violence and conflict, this issue stays at the wayside while other pressing issues are addressed (Loock, 709), such as the prevalent conflict which plagues many parts of Africa.

The water contamination, as previously stated has many sources (Edokpayi, 135), some of which are naturally occurring, such as sediment and wastewater (Agunbiade, 562), while other contaminants are occurring from corporate manufacturing waste from companies such as Bayer, which is a multi-national, multi-billion-dollar company (Agunbiade, 7273). These companies have the resources and monetary means to eliminate the environmental and health hazards they are causing; however, they are not being held accountable because of the money they provide to the Government and the country (Belabed, 1). The health of the impoverished citizens is being traded for the money that is being made.

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Risk assessments and remediation plans are being called for by many Human rights and health organizations, however, they are left unheard while the people suffer (Agunbiade, 7280). The ground water and streams, which are the sole source for water for many people are contaminated, thus making good safe water scarce, and affected most people of Africa country-wide (Du Preez, 287). Without the resources or monetary means to find clean safe water, the people of Africa continue to suffer from disease, illness, suffering, and death (Adefisoye, 562). The Corporations and the Government must be called to action to change this epidemic (Ntanganedzeni, 687).

  • Adefisoye, Martins, and Anthony Okoh. “Ecological and Public Health Implications of the Discharge of Multidrug-Resistant Bacteria and Physicochemical Contaminants from Treated Wastewater Effluents in the Eastern Cape, South Africa.” Water, vol. 9, no. 8, 2017, pp. 562.
  • Agunbiade, Foluso O., and Brenda Moodley. “Pharmaceuticals as Emerging Organic Contaminants in Umgeni River Water System, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.” Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, vol. 186, no. 11, 2014, pp. 7273-7291.
  • Belabed, Bourhane-Eddine, et al. “Modeling Seasonal and Spatial Contamination of Surface Waters and Upper Sediments with Trace Metal Elements Across Industrialized Urban Areas of the Seybouse Watershed in North Africa.” Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, vol. 189, no. 6, 2017, pp. 1.
  • Du Preez, H., E. J. Ncube, and K. Voyi. “Implementing a Protocol for Selection and Prioritisation of Organic Contaminants in the Drinking Water Value Chain : Case Study of Rand Water, South Africa.” Water SA, vol. 38, no. 4, 2012, pp. 487-503.
  • Edokpayi, Joshua, et al. “Assessment of Trace Metals Contamination of Surface Water and Sediment: A Case Study of Mvudi River, South Africa.” Sustainability, vol. 8, no. 2, 2016, pp. 135.

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