
What Is Marketing?

417 words | 2 page(s)

Marketing is a life-long continuous series of events that involves reaching out to fulfill the needs of clients along with the evolving world. Therefore, marketing requires much more than just advertisement. Further, the process of marketing is hands-on and involves much more than mere sales and promotions (Prof Vijay 2016).

The foundation of marketing is meeting the needs of a customer. Like any other aspect of a business, marketing should be a laid down procedure of vivid steps towards the desired outcome, which in most cases is profit. There are three main factors to consider.

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The distribution
It is vital to understand what the customer wants. Making a product that meets the needs of people in a particular area is dependent on factors such as the availability of such services in the locality. For instance, it would be productive to set up a cotton gin in a place where there exists none as it would minimize competition. However, it would be more productive to set up the same gin at a locality where cotton, the raw material, is readily available. This addresses the issue of demand and supply.

Communication and Delivery
Philip Kotler defines marketing as a science that involves exploration and value delivery to satisfy a target market (2012). There are no tricks to win clients as mainly what attracts clients is the quality of services offered by a company or organization. Efficient marketing should, therefore, have excellent customer service, where the clients are treated as the ideal owners of the businesses, rather than regular customers. The pricing of the product should be client-friendly, affordable, and should meet the corporate goals of a company (Steve Jobs 2014).

The concept of promoting a business is essential and is the most effective form of marketing. According to Jack Ma, promotional strategies in business include advertisements on media including social media, customer referrals which is very efficient, branded gifts and contests (2017).

In marketing, the two constants are the customer needs and corporate goals. These two make up a business. Marketing is therefore said to be effective only when the two parties in business are satisfied.

  • Prof. Anand, V. (2016). Marketing Management. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t8_PBTl02Hg
  • Kotler, P. (2012). Marketing. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sR-qL7QdVZQ
  • Jobs, S. (2014). Amazing Market Strategy. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kshIWIc15yg
  • Jack Ma, (2017). How to Grow a Small Business. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D7tF-cY2M9o

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