
Workplace Scenario

314 words | 2 page(s)

The target population that Josh is trying to measure and get data on are his team. Usually, target populations are much larger and more broad than the one Josh is trying to examine, so this is a huge advantage for him since he does not need to spread out all of his resources thin and instead can focus on people whom he already knows and people whom he can easily find. The area in which Josh is trying to measure is motivation and the attitudes of his team.

Josh needs to come up with an assessment or measuring tool that can get him data on motivations, but also on how he can improve the overall quality of the workplace. In the book, it tells us that people often prioritize their needs in different ways, and that physical needs are typically more important than psychological needs. Going off this fact, Josh needs to be able to create something that will measure the overall satisfaction of his employees, and how much their satisfaction of the workplace and their function within affects their motivations. Josh should create a focus group of the employees in order to capture the best and most accurate data that should come from his results.

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A focus group is unique in that it allows the researcher to create a diverse and representative sample of the whole; this way, Josh can get results in real time, in person where he can see the employees face to face. It saves him time by having him not need to sift through countless surveys and questionnaires. Additionally, focus groups are smart in that they allow people to be comfortable, and this is especially the case for this scenario since the employees will most likely be familiar with each other and know most of everyone already.

  • Latham, G. P. (2012). Work motivation: History, theory, research, and practice. Sage.

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