
Customer is Always Right

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Very often, while referring to the relations between a customer and business, one can note that there might happen various disagreements over the position of the client and the service delivered. Moreover, it may end up in the frustration of a customer with the standard service. Therefore, it is crucial to look into the given rights to the customer and the business, having in mind the specificities of the segregated market and hospitability sector.

In 2014, an article “No, the customer is not always right” appeared in “Forbes” was among the most viewed and debated pieces regarding the issue. Namely, the aspect over the desires of a customer may prevail the services offered by a business. While referring particularly to hospitability business, one may note that often customers do not understand the specificities of the business and act as unreasonable in the respective situations. For instance, in the market where a company responds to a complaint of a customer and yet does not make him satisfied by taking a comprehensive a balanced position, it may be the case that business will have to move to another problem instead of dealing with the particular customer. In that regard, it is necessary to move on to the next problem.

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In the segmented market, treating of a customer is a priority. However, one can clearly see the extend to which the problem could be moved to. The other side of the coin yet indicates the common mistreatment towards the customers originating from businesses.

Thus, to prove whether the customer is wrong or right one shall look into each specifically and check the positions of both sides. Given the specificities of the businesses and extreme expectations of the customers, one shall be aware of the potential effects from both sides.

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