
Cosmetic Company Mission Statement

563 words | 2 page(s)

Driven by its belief in an affordable beauty, our company aims to put high quality anti-aging products within everyone’s reach in the selected markets.

Leadership in affordable beauty: We believe quality products do not have to be expensive. Our mission is to win consumers through quality products at affordable prices and make it possible by minimizing expenditures on activities that ad little value such as expensive marketing strategies. We expect consumers’ experiences to become our greatest marketing tool.

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Advancing women status: The society progresses both economically and socially when women have access to greater economic opportunities. Our goal is to advance career opportunities for women in the markets we serve, both directly and indirectly. We also donate to organizations that help promote women rights.

Global brand: We originated in the U.S. and have achieved tremendous success in a short period of time. But we want to be a global brand and not just American brand and achieve even higher growth rates in international markets where women have fewer affordable quality products.

Educating women: We believe education should be part of doing business. Women in many countries have inadequate access to information sources. Our mission is to increase awareness about health aspects of taking care of one’s skin.

Respect: We believe everyone is worthy of respective irrespective of their racial, ethnic, religious, national, and cultural background. We respect each person’s individuality and help him/her realize his/her true potential.

Trust: Without trust, relationships break down. We believe this doesn’t only apply in personal life but in business, too. We strive to develop trust with every stakeholder including customers, employees, communities, and government bodies. Trust benefits everyone and forms the basis of lifelong mutually beneficial relationships.

Service: We consider ourselves as citizen of the communities we do business in. Like any responsible citizen, we invest in the communities through programs such as education. When communities thrive, we also thrive.

Openness: We believe in an open and honest communication with all of our stakeholders. Communication is the key to building and developing relationships and we promote open communication not only with external stakeholders but also within the organization.

Environment: Like individuals, businesses have responsibilities towards the society. We care for the environment and adopt sustainable business practices wherever possible. We understand the earth belongs to the future generations and we have a responsibility to take good care of it.

Ethics: While we respect all local and international laws, we understand law sometimes doesn’t go far enough. As a result, we develop rules for ourselves that go beyond the law in order to become responsible and ethical members of the societies. These include paying fair wages, avoiding bribery, and sourcing materials from ethical and responsible suppliers.

Commitment to Consumer: Consumer is at the center of everything we do. We subscribe to the mantra consumer is always right and our interaction with consumer takes place at all stages from initial product idea to after-sales customer service. Ideas for some of our best-selling products have emerged through our interactions with consumers.

Integrity: Everyone at our company from top executive to sales associate is expected to conform to the company’s code of conduct in everyday dealing. We have zero-tolerance policy for violations of the company’s code of conduct. We believe reputation is more important than anything else and credibility once lost is difficult to regain.

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